

Loading/Unloading Work Units from Your Project

After your project has been divided up into work units, you may want to unload some of these work units, keeping only those that you are working on. The main reason for unloading work units from a project is to speed up project load times, reduce memory usage, and improve overall performance. If your project is very large, you can improve performance significantly by unloading one or more work units.

The following types of user-created work units can be unloaded from a project:

  • Actor-Mixer Hierarchy work units

  • Interactive Music Hierarchy work units

  • Event work units

[Note] Note

Default work units are critical to the project, so they can never be unloaded.

[Note] Note

Nested work units can't be unloaded individually, but they will be unloaded if you unload their root work unit.

When work units are unloaded from a project, they will appear “ghosted” in the Project Explorer. You will not be able to work with them until they have been loaded back into the project.

You can continue to work with the objects and events within the loaded work units. You may, however, discover that some of these objects and events contain references to objects and/or events that have been unloaded. For example, you may have references to unloaded objects or events in the following project elements:

  • Dialogue events

  • Events

  • Music stingers

  • Music transitions

  • Queries

  • SoundBanks

  • Soundcaster and mixing sessions

In these cases, the unloaded elements will be marked as [Unloaded] and will be highlighted in yellow.

You can still add/remove objects, modify property values, generate SoundBanks, and so on, but you won't be able to play back these objects and events in Wwise.

When you unload a work unit from a project, it doesn't get unloaded immediately. The work units you have selected for “unloading” are only unloaded from a project when the project is closed. The next time you open the project, Wwise will not load the work units that have been unloaded. If you need to access the contents of an unloaded work unit, you can easily load it back into the project at any time. If any changes are made to the project that affects the objects or events within the unloaded work unit, these changes will be listed in the Project Load Log when the work units are loaded back into the project.

[Note] Note

When work units are unloaded from a project, Wwise can't distinguish between source files that are not being used and those that haven't been loaded into the project. As a result, all source files that don't appear to be used by the project will be marked as “Unknown” in the Usage column of the File Manager until all work units are loaded back into the project and Wwise can perform a complete verification.

To unload a work unit from your project:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the work units that you want to unload.

  2. Right-click the selection and select Unload Work Unit (at next project load) from the menu.

  3. Save your project by pressing Ctrl+S.

  4. Re-open the project by clicking Project > Project Name.

    The work units you previously unloaded are no longer loaded when the project opens.

To load a work unit back into your project:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select the unloaded work units that you want to load back into the project.

  2. Right-click the selection and select Load Work Unit from the menu.

    The work units are loaded back into the project.

    [Note] Note

    If any changes were made to the project that affected the objects or events within the unloaded work unit, these changes will be listed in the Project Load Log when the work units are loaded back into the project.

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