


The Property Editor is a collection of properties and behavior options that you can use to define the overall characteristics of a particular object or game sync in your project.

When an object is loaded into the Property Editor it will contain some of the following tabs:

When a game sync is loaded into the Property Editor, different properties will be displayed depending on the type of game sync you are editing. The following table describes which properties are displayed for each game sync:

Game Sync

Property Editor Contents

State Group

Transition settings between states.


Pitch, low-pass filter, high-pass filter and volume controls.

Switch Group

Switch to game parameter value mappings.


Name and notes

Game Parameter

Minimum and maximum values for the game parameter.


Name and notes

[Note] Note

Since folders don't have any associated properties or behaviors, when they are loaded into the Property Editor, you will only be able to edit the folder's name and corresponding notes.

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