Wwise Tour 2016 - Blizzard Overwatch (7 of 7) - Extending Wwise Tech

Game: Overwatch

Wwise Tour 2016 - Audio in Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment. Filmed in Montreal on June 20th 2016 at Centre Phi. Presented by Scott Lawlor, Project Audio Director at Blizzard Entertainment and Tomas Neumann, Senior Software Engineer 2 at Blizzard Entertainment. Wwise by Audiokinetic. https://www.audiokinetic.com/

Tomas presents what they developed internally to extend or build on top of the Wwise technology:

Source Control Plug-in
Quad Delay Plug-in
Dolby Atmos
Code changes (with help from the Audiokinetic team) :
- Increase ParameterID size from 64 back to 64K
- Log non-cached WEM files
- Synchronize platform sound inclusion
- Add profiling callbacks, non-blocking GetRTPC call
- Develop memtracker using Alloc callbacks

The presentation was concluded with an amazing set of clips that compared the exact gameplay sequence before and after their dynamic mixing system. These clips are simply fantastic as they show exactly how much more comfortable and enjoyable gameplay becomes once you hear only what’s really important at any given gameplay moment.


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Wwise Tour

Taking place in various cities each year, the game development industry and, specifically, game audio professionals unite to share and learn from one another and the creative works and expertise of the finest of game audio teams.

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