Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
API to request host's current state and services. 더 자세히 ...
#include <Host.h>
Public 타입 | |
using | Instance = ak_wwise_plugin_host_instance_v2 |
Base host-provided instance type. 더 자세히 ... | |
Public 멤버 함수 | |
ak_wwise_plugin_host_v2 () | |
Public 속성 | |
AK::Wwise::Plugin::LicenseID(* | GetProjectLicenseID )(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_v2 *in_this) |
Obtain the project license ID 더 자세히 ... | |
API to request host's current state and services.
If requested, this contains information on the current state of the host as well as generic operations.
For example, the currently selected platform, tools to post when internal plug-in data changed, or a way to make Waapi calls.
In order to be reactive to host's state, you should consider implementing ak_wwise_plugin_notifications_host_v1 notifications.
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