
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ SetDiffractionOrder()

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SpatialAudio::SetDiffractionOrder ( AkUInt32  in_uDiffractionOrder,
bool  in_bUpdatePaths 

Set the diffraction order for geometric path calculation. The diffraction order indicates the number of edges a sound can diffract around. A higher number requires more CPU resources but results in paths found around more complex geometry. Set to 0 to globally disable geometric diffraction processing.

in_uDiffractionOrderNumber of diffraction edges to consider in path calculations. Valid range [0,8]
in_bUpdatePathsSet to true to clear existing diffraction paths and to force the re-computation of new paths. If false, existing paths will remain and new paths will be computed when the emitter or listener moves.

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