











Wwise SDK 2024.1.3
릴리즈 노트 2019.1.7

다음 섹션들은 Wwise 버전 2019.1.6에서 2019.1.7 사이 변경 및 개선된 내용을 다루고 있습니다. 이전 버전을 보시려면 이전 버전 릴리즈 노트 를 참고하세요.

플랫폼 SDK 변경 사항

  • Stadia SDK: SDK를 1.40로 업데이트.
  • Lumin SDK: 0.23.0으로 업데이트.
  • PS4 SDK: SDK 7.008.001로 업데이트.

API 개선 사항

성능 개선 사항

  • WG-46857 Fixed a performance issue where projects with a large amount of switch containers loaded simultaneously, would sometimes cause CPU spikes, when changing multiple switches in the same frame.

버그 수정

  • WG-42845 Fixed: Convolution reverb was not immediately affected by IR Volume modifications.
  • WG-44503 Fixed an issue where some Notes field would not be shown correctly in Wwise Authoring on macOS.
  • WG-45963 Fixed: Calling SetListenerSpatialization on a game object that was not a listener did not register that game object as a listener.
  • WG-46262 Fixed: Possible crash when editing a .wav file in an external editor.
  • WG-46378 Fixed: The formatting of API call sink init messages would sometimes cause the system to crash.
  • WG-46386 Fixed: Waapi is now compatible with NodeJS V12.14.1 LTS
  • WG-46396 Fixed: Rare memory leak when using pitch-shifted sounds with the ADPCM codec.
  • WG-46494 Fixed: The automatic renaming of Work Units could cause them to lose their Add flag, during a Move operation.
  • WG-46558 Fixed: 3D spatialization in "headphones panning" mode could cause NaNs to be used as audio duration.
  • WG-46664 Fixed: (Android) Crash could occur when running the Android x86 emulator.
  • WG-46713 Fixed: (Switch) No audio and possible crash when the default audio device's channel configuration was not set to stereo or to 5.1.
  • WG-46756 Fixed: Possible crash in the Sound Engine when connecting the Wwise Profiler with Voice Inspector Data enabled.
  • WG-46859 Fixed: Adding a platform to a project could generate ID conflicts for custom (non shareset) plugins.
  • WG-46995 Fixed: Sound Engine package for Lumin platform was missing certain files.

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