
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2024.1.2.8726 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.

AK Channel Router


이 플러그인은 아직 실험 중에 있습니다.

(아래 “AK Channel Router properties”을(를) 참조하세요.)

The AK Channel Router Effect plug-in allows you to route and mix multiple sounds or busses with different channel configurations into a single bus. This is especially useful when dealing with an Audio Device with many channels that require non-standard routing.

After inserting this Effect on a bus, you can add a Channel Router Settings metadata to any of its child busses or sounds that output to the bus to configure which channel they output to. A default value of 1 is used for any child busses that do not have this metadata. If there are multiple busses or sounds outputting to the same channel, these channels are mixed together.


This plug-in can only be inserted on busses with their Bus Configuration set to Audio Objects. Thus, the plug-in cannot be inserted on top-level busses.

Example usage

Consider a scenario where you have an Audio Bus (Bus A) routed to an Audio Device with 16 channels and you want to output 7.1 content on the first eight channels (1 to 8) followed by 4.0 content on the next four channels (9 to 12) with silence on the remaining channels (13 to 16).

  1. In the General Settings tab of the Property Editor for Bus A, set the Bus Configuration to Audio Objects.

  2. In the Effects tab, add the AK Channel Router Effect plug-in.

  3. Create a new child Audio Bus under Bus A named "Audio Bus 7-1".

  4. In the Property Editor of Audio Bus 7-1:

    1. In the General Settings tab, set the Bus Configuration to 7.1.

    2. In the Metadata tab, add a Channel Router Settings metadata.

      Leave the Channel property of the Channel Router Settings metadata set to 1 so the output of this child bus is routed to channels 1-8 of the parent bus.

  5. Create another child Audio Bus under Bus A. Name this child bus "Audio Bus 4-0".

  6. In the Property Editor of Audio Bus 4-0:

    1. In the General Settings tab, set the Bus Configuration to 4.0.

    2. In the Metadata tab, add a Channel Router Settings metadata.

    3. Set the Channel property of the Channel Router Settings metadata to 9 so the output of this child bus is routed to channels 9-13 of the parent bus.

AK Channel Router properties

인터페이스 요소


버스 속성

Bus Configuration

Overrides the bus configuration selected in the Property Editor. By default, this is set to use the same bus configuration as the Audio Device to which the bus output is routed.

Metadata Properties


Determines which channel of the output bus will receive the first output channel of the sound or bus. The AK Channel Router Effect must be inserted on the output bus.

For example, a stereo sound with the Channel property set to 3 outputs to channels 3 and 4 of its output bus.

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