
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2024.1.2.8726 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2024.1.2
릴리즈 노트 2018.1.5

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2018.1.4 and version 2018.1.5. 이전 버전을 보시려면 이전 버전 릴리즈 노트 를 참고하세요. This release is a bug fix release, therefore projects, banks, and the API are compatible without change for all 2018.1.x versions.

참고: Plug-in Developers This version of Wwise supports plug-ins built with Wwise 2018.1. For plug-ins built with older versions of Wwise, developers must recompile and repackage them with a compatible version.

플랫폼 SDK 변경 사항

  • PS4 SDK: Updated SDK to 6.008.001.

성능 개선 사항

  • WG-39355 Improved sound engine performance by ~7% on some plug-ins, such as Wwise Expander and Wwise Compressor.
  • WG-40076 Significantly decreased CPU load when profiling.

API 개선 사항

버그 수정

  • WG-32512 Fixed: Mute and Solo states are sometimes not removed if selection contains an object that cannot be muted.
  • WG-40332 Fixed: Support SetSpeakerAngles for output devices with anonymous channel configurations.
  • WG-40520 Fixed: Crash when changing the output channel config and the plug-in media settings during playback.
  • WG-40551 Fixed: Removed incoherent window scrolling in Event Viewer.
  • WG-40566 Fixed: Playback of WAV files with out-of-range values click when not converted.
  • WG-40597 Fixed: Wwise hangs when selecting all items in some views, such as the List View, that contain many items.
  • WG-40676 Fixed: The MIDI Pitch Root super slider does not actually affect the MIDI root for pitch control.
  • WG-40701 Fixed: (Switch) Crash in Wwise Motion plug-in after shutting down then restarting the sound engine within the same program execution.
  • WG-40708 Fixed: Memory leak in authoring tool when inspecting objects.
  • WG-40709 Fixed: In Spatial Audio, reflections do not diffract around edges in some situations, depending on the configuration of the geometry.
  • WG-40724 Fixed: Rare crash in Wwise Flanger and Wwise Tremolo plug-ins on a 5.1 channel setup.
  • WG-40736 Fixed: Crash when opening the Voice Monitor after loading a profiling session that contains objects that are no longer in the project.
  • WG-40786 Fixed: Possible crash when connecting Wwise to the sound engine before the sound engine has loaded the Init bank.
  • WG-40835 Fixed: (Xbox One) Possible crash when enabling multi-thread and using a sample accurate container.
  • WG-40859 Fixed: (Android) SoundSeed Grain envelope incorrectly applied.
  • WG-40878 Fixed: (Linux) Edge case where the audio thread can occasionally hang for a particularly long time soon after sound engine initialization, causing audio stuttering.
  • WG-40915 Fixed: Project names containing dots stripped after the first dot.
  • WG-40916 Fixed: (Opus) Converted files always differ due to embedded serial number.
  • WG-41037 (Android) AK::SoundEngine::GetFastPathSettings now correctly reports the ideal device settings in all cases.
  • WG-41038 Fixed: SoundSeed Grain has improper interpolation of Speed when it changes sign via RTPC.


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