Wwise 핵심 개념
What are Game Syncs?
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2024.1.3.8749 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
After the initial game design is complete, you can start looking at how you could use Wwise elements called Game Syncs to streamline and handle the changes and alternatives that are part of the game. You can define which of the four different kinds of Game Syncs you will need to achieve the best results possible to enhance the visuals of the game.
States—a change that occurs in game that affects the properties of existing sounds, music, or motion on a global scale.
Switches—a representation of the alternatives that exist for a particular game element that may require completely new sounds, music, or motion.
RTPCs—properties that are mapped to variable Game Parameter values in such a way that changes to the Game Parameter values modify the properties themselves.
Triggers—a response to a spontaneous occurrence in the game that launches a stinger, which is a brief musical phrase that is superimposed and mixed over the currently playing music.
When you are building your game project, you have to juggle quality, memory usage restrictions, and the time constraints that you face. Using Game Syncs strategically can simplify your work, economize on memory, and help to build a truly immersive game experience.
States are basically “mixer snapshots” or global offsets or adjustments to the game audio and motion properties that represent changes in the physical and environmental conditions in the game. Using States can streamline the way you design your audio and motion, and help you optimize your assets.
States as “mixer snapshots” allow for level of detail and control over the resulting sound output and can be combined with multiple States with expected results. 한 오브젝트에 여러 개의 State가 부여되었을 때에, 하나의 속성이 여러 값의 변화에 영향을 받을 수 있습니다. 이런 상황에서는 각 값의 변화를 모두 합산합니다. 예를 들어서, 볼륨 변화값을 -6dB로 설정한 서로 다른 두 State Group에 각각 속한 두 개의 State가 동시에 활성화 되면 볼륨은 결과적으로 -12 dB가 될 것입니다.
When you create and define these “mixer snapshots”, you are really creating different property sets for a sound, music, or motion object without adding to memory or disk space usage. These property sets define a set of rules that govern the playback of a sound during a given State (or States). When you apply these property changes globally to many objects, you can quickly create realistic soundscapes that better represent the audio and enhance the game. By altering the properties of sounds, music, or motion already playing, you are able to re-use your assets and save valuable memory.
Example 3. State 사용하기 - 예시
캐릭터가 수면 밑을 지나갈 경우에 일어나는 사운드 처리를 시뮬레이션한다고 가정해 봅시다. In this case you could use a State to modify the volume and low pass filter for sounds that are already playing. 이러한 속성을 변경하면 캐릭터가 수면 아래로 들어갈 경우의 총격음이나 수류탄 폭발음 변화를 재현할 수 있을 것입니다.
The following illustration demonstrates how the properties for the volume and low pass filter for the gunfire and grenade sound objects are affected when the underwater State is called by the game.
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In Wwise, Switches represent the different alternatives that exist for a particular game object within the game. Sound, music, and motion objects are organized and assigned to Switches so that the appropriate sound or motion object will play when a change is made from one alternative to another in game. The Wwise objects that are assigned to a Switch are grouped into a Switch Container. When an Event signals a change, the Switch Container verifies the Switch and the correct sound, music, or motion object is played.
Example 4. Switch 사용하기 - 예시
Let's say you are creating a first-person shooter game, where the main character can walk and run through a variety of different environments. Within each environment, you have different ground surfaces, such as concrete, grass, and dirt, and you want different footstep sounds for each of these surfaces. 이 경우 여러 가지 지표면에 대응하는 Switch를 만들어서 서로 다른 발자국 소리를 알맞은 Switch에 할당할 수 있습니다. 주요 캐릭터가 콘크리트 표면 위를 걸을 때에는 'concrete' Switch가 활성화되고 해당 사운드가 재생되는 것이죠. If the character then moves from a concrete surface to a grassy surface, the “grass” Switch will become active and its corresponding sounds will play.
다음 그림은 활성화된 Switch가 재생할 발자국 소리를 결정하는 방법을 보여줍니다.
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Real-time Parameter Controls (RTPCs) enable you to edit specific object properties in real time based on real-time parameter value changes that occur within the game. Using RTPCs, you can map the Game Parameters to property values, and “automate” property changes to enhance the realism of your game. The parameter values are displayed in a graph view, where one axis represents either the Switch Group or the property values in Wwise, and the other axis represents the in-Game Parameter values. By mapping property values to Game Parameter values, you create an RTPC curve that defines the overall relationship between the two parameters. You can create as many curves as necessary to create a rich and immersive experience for the players of your game.
Example 5. RTPC 사용하기 - 예시
Let's say you are creating a racing game. The volume and pitch of the engine sounds need to fluctuate as the speed and RPM of the car rise and fall. In this case, you can use RTPCs to map the pitch and volume level of a car's engine sounds to the speed and RPM values of an in-game car. As the car accelerates, the property values for pitch and volume will react based on how you have mapped them.
The following illustration demonstrates how the volume is affected by the speed of the racing car in the game, based on how it was mapped in Wwise.
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Like all Game Syncs, a Trigger is a Wwise element that is called by the game and then defines a specific response in Wwise to accommodate what is happening in the game. More specifically, in interactive music a trigger responds to a spontaneous occurrence in the game and launches a stinger. The stinger, which is a brief musical phrase that is superimposed and mixed over the currently playing music, is a musical reaction to the game. For example, when a ninja draws his weapon, you might want to insert a musical sforzando-type effect over the action music already playing to add even more impact to the scene. The game would call the Trigger which in turn would launch the stinger and your music clip would play over the ongoing score.
Example 6. Trigger 사용하기 - 예시
주요 캐릭터가 닌자 파이터인 전투 게임을 제작 중이라고 가정합시다. 게임의 몇몇 시점에서는 적들과 싸우는 액션 모드로 전환됩니다. 캐릭터가 강력한 킥을 선보일 때 그 장면의 청각적 영향을 강화하도록 뮤직 클립을 교체하고자 합니다. To build your music for these sequences, you will need to create a Trigger, perhaps named “High Kick” to be called at these points in the game. In addition, you will define the short music segment that will provide a quick blast of brass to add some “kick”.
The following illustration demonstrates the Trigger mechanism that plays a stinger at a key point in the game.
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The following table shows you which tasks related to Game Syncs are the responsibility of the sound designer and which ones are the responsibility of the programmer:
Tasks |
Sound Designer (Wwise) |
Programmer (Game Code/Tools) |
Create Switch Groups and Switches |
X | |
Create State Groups and States | X | |
Define State Transition Time | X | |
Subscribe Switch Containers to Switch and State Groups | X | |
Setting up Triggers | X | |
Post State and Switch information from the game engine to the Wwise Audio Engine | X |
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