
Wwise SDK 2024.1.1

◆ fMaxDiffractionAngleDegrees

AkReal32 AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::fMaxDiffractionAngleDegrees

The largest possible diffraction value, in degrees, beyond which paths are not computed and are inaudible. Must be greater than zero. Default value: 180 degrees. A large value (for example, 360 degrees) allows paths to propagate further around corners and obstacles, but takes more CPU time to compute. A gain is applied to each diffraction path to taper the volume of the path to zero as the diffraction angle approaches fMaxDiffractionAngleDegrees, and appears in the Voice Inspector as "Propagation Path Gain". This tapering gain is applied in addition to the diffraction curves, and prevents paths from popping in or out suddenly when the maximum diffraction angle is exceeded. In Wwise Authoring, the horizontal axis of a diffraction curve in the attenuation editor is defined over the range 0-100%, corresponding to angles 0-180 degrees. If fMaxDiffractionAngleDegrees is greater than 180 degrees, diffraction coefficients over 100% are clamped and the curve is evaluated at the rightmost point.

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