











알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2024.1.2.8726 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Release Notes - Wwise Unity Integration 2013.1

This release includes the Wwise SDK update for Wwise 2013.1, Android-related new features, and general bug fixes.


  • Wwise SDK: 2012.2.x, 2013.1
  • Unity: 3.4.x, 3.5.x, 4.x

Supported Platforms:

  • Windows 8
    • Desktop
    • Windows Store App on Intel devices and ARM tablets
  • Windows (32비트)
  • Windows (64비트)
  • Mac OS X (10.6 and above)
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Xbox360
  • PS3

새로운 기능:

  • Android: SoundBanks can now be saved in Android application packages (apk) and are accessible transparently using LoadBank() APIs.
  • Support for Windows 64bit.
  • Support for Windows 8.

해결된 문제:

  • WG-22948: Positioning error due to listener index assignment error on PS3.
  • WG-22938: Positioning data passed by Unity Integration on Mac OSX is invalid.
  • WG-22334: Music userCue names are incorrectly reported to Unity as empty strings.
  • WG-22329: Cannot PostEvent() to global scope with Unity Integration.
  • WG-22255: Unity Android: Sound persists after switching app to background.
  • WG-22165: 3D positioning does not work properly under iOS and Android.
  • WG-21933: AkCallbackManager.cs handles deserialization of floats incorrectly. UserCue names broken.
  • WG-21365: Unity iOS: Cannot hear sounds after iOS audio interruption events come and go.
  • WG-22533: Some API binding functions shouldn't have exception handlers.


  • Windows and Mac distributions can coexist in the same Unity project.
  • Improved documentation readability and accuracy and added 플랫폼 전용 정보 section for easily reading the info about platforms of interest.
  • Build logs now support quiet and verbose modes for readability.
  • Build pipeline now checks user Python version and warns if it is outdated.
  • Deployment script can now be used directly to copy the Integration to Unity projects.


  • Visual Studio 2010 is now required to build the Integration for PS3.
  • Build scripts no longer support Python 2.6 and older versions. Python 2.7.x or 3.x is required.
  • The environment variable UNITY_PROJECT_ROOT is no longer required for building the Integration yourself. By default, the Integration is no longer automatically deployed to the folder specified by UNITY_PROJECT_ROOT. 자세한 내용은 소스 코드에서 네이티브 Integration 플러그인 빌드하기 를 참고하세요.
  • Android build scripts no longer deploy PostprocessBuildPlayer scripts to Unity projects.
  • IntegrationDemo project is upgraded to Unity4 format.

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