Properties in Wwise are grouped into logical tabs in the Primary Editor and logical categories in the Property Editor. Both editors are found in Object Tabs. Across all Master-Mixer Hierarchy objects, the following tabs and categories have common properties:
“Audio Bus tab and Auxiliary Bus tab: busses” to see a meter and bus status.
“Effects tab: busses”: 해당 버스를 통과하는 모든 오브젝트에 한 개 이상의 Effect를 적용합니다.
“States tab: busses”: 특정 오브젝트의 맞춤 State 값을 정의합니다.
Additionally, the following are shared by some, but not all, of the Master-Mixer Hierarchy objects:
“Routing category: Audio and Auxiliary Busses” to define properties related to the output bus, as well as game-defined and user-defined auxiliary sends, and early reflections.
“Positioning category: Audio and Auxiliary Busses”: 버스들을 패닝 또는 3D 위치 지정(positioning)하여 위치를 설정합니다.
“Advanced category: Audio Busses”: 동시에 버스를 통과할 수 있는 보이스의 재생 제한(Playback Limit)을 설정합니다.
Also see “Common tabs and categories: audio structures” for other tabs and properties common across multiple Master-Mixer Hierarchy objects.
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