

Inconsistent content for media ... between banks ... and ... Soundbanks will have to be regenerated and redeployed.

When this happens, the second media copy is discarded and this message appears. However, in some situations, this can lead to issues later if the sound is also streaming from disk. This error occurs if all of the following criteria are true:

  • A Sound or Music Clip is duplicated in two or more banks.

  • One bank was generated.

  • A change was made to the media of the sound. For example, any change in the Source Editor or the file itself was edited outside of Wwise.

  • The other bank was generated alone.

  • Both banks are loaded in-game.

Another common workflow that can lead to this error is forgetting to package or deploy all banks on the target console. The effect is the same: the media in one bank doesn't match the media in other banks. In this case, it is not a generation problem but a deployment problem.

권장 해결 단계:

  • Regenerate your SoundBanks, repackage them (if needed), and redeploy to the target console.

  • Alternatively, clear all SoundBanks from the console working directory.

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