The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2018.1 and version 2018.1.1. 이전 버전을 보시려면 이전 버전 릴리즈 노트 를 참고하세요. 온라인 도움말을 참고하실 경우, 목차에서 원하는 Wwise 버전을 선택할 수 있습니다.
| 참고: Plug-in Developers This version of Wwise supports plug-ins built with Wwise 2018. For plug-ins built with older versions of Wwise, their developers must recompile and repackage them with a compatible version. |
플랫폼 SDK 변경 사항
- Magic Leap Upgraded SDK to version 0.16.0.
새로운 기능
- WG-35285 (WAAPI) AkAutobahn Client now supports disconnect callback. C++ SampleClient has a new example to demonstrate how to monitor Wwise status (connected, disconnected, project changed).
성능 개선 사항
- WG-39015 Optimized the number of GDI objects created by the Wwise Authoring tool.
- WG-39060 (PS4) Improved performance of Wwise Profiler timer collection.
기타 수정 사항
- WG-38947 (WAAPI) Logging from AkAutobahn now has a uniform AkAutobahn prefix.
버그 수정
- WG-29891 Fixed: Mixer plug-in properties are lost when unlinking and switching between platforms.
- WG-38040 Fixed: Attenuation cones are broken with Portal diffraction.
- WG-38442 Fixed: Under certain rotations, the level of the U-channel of a 2nd-order ambisonic stream gets a very high volume.
- WG-38685 Fixed: An invalid error message occurs when running WwiseCLI.exe if the optional platform arguments for the
and -ExternalSourcesOutput
arguments are not provided in the command line.
- WG-38687 Fixed: The Event ID displayed in the Event Editor does not change when the current Event is renamed.
- WG-38715 Fixed: (PS4)
doesn't work immediately after AK::SoundEngine::Init
- WG-38778 Fixed: Wwise authoring and Convolution Reverb are unable to read some WAV files because of an inconsistency in their header between block alignment and channels/bits per sample.
- WG-38818 Fixed: It is possible to import audio files into an unloaded Work Unit.
- WG-38849 Fixed: Crash when deleting music clip while playing parent music segment.
- WG-38884 Fixed: When an audio device is reverted to System or No_Output, its name in the Voices Graph (of the Advanced Profiler) is unchanged.
- WG-39013 Fixed: Potential thread leaks when switching desktops.
- WG-39018 Fixed: Drawing issue with the title bars of Soundcaster transports on HiDPI monitors.
- WG-39020 Fixed: (iOS) Crash in some CPU starvation situation, when combined with an output change.
- WG-39063 Fixed: (PS4) ATRAC-9 decoding not functional when parallel execution is enabled.
- WG-39074 Fixed: Intermittent crash with sounds having Listener Relative Routing and 3D Position automation.
- WG-39089 Fixed: Rare crash in
when banks are not all in sync.
- WG-39092 Fixed: (WAAPI) Corrupted error message content in AkAutobahn when compiled with vc140 or vc150.
- WG-39110 Fixed: (Xbox One) XMA decoding not functional when parallel execution is enabled.
- WG-39131 Fixed: When watching a game object by name, if the watched object's name is a substring of another game object, the other object may also appear in the 3D Game Object Viewer.
- WG-39148 Fixed: Crash when using the Perforce Source Control plug-in on a HiDPI monitor.
- WG-39149 Fixed: Crash in Property Help view when Wwise has been open for an extended period.
- WG-39175 Fixed: Crash when executing a keyboard shortcut for an Event containing an Action with no target.
- WG-39179 Fixed: Crash in the Game Object 3D Viewer when clicking Frame All button.
- 참고