이 파일의 문서화 페이지로 가기
45 for (
size_t i = 0; i < io_pluginInfo.
m_arraySize; ++i)
49 intf.m_interface->m_version == 1)
51 intf.m_instance = in_args;
75 #define AK_ADD_FRONTEND_PLUGIN_CLASS_TO_CONTAINER(ContainerName, WwiseClassName, AudioEngineRegisteredName, TemplateName) \
76 extern AK::PluginRegistration AudioEngineRegisteredName ## Registration; \
78 static struct UserGeneratedPluginInfo : private AK::Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator<WwiseClassName> \
80 ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_args_v1 frontend_args; \
81 UserGeneratedPluginInfo() : \
82 PluginInfoGenerator(&AudioEngineRegisteredName ## Registration) \
84 m_pluginInfo.m_next = GetPluginContainer ## ContainerName()->m_pluginInfos; \
85 frontend_args.templateName = TemplateName; \
86 AK::Wwise::Plugin::V1::AssignFrontendModelArgs(m_pluginInfo, &frontend_args); \
87 GetPluginContainer ## ContainerName()->m_pluginInfos = &m_pluginInfo; \
107 #define AK_ADD_FRONTEND_PLUGIN_CLASSID_TO_CONTAINER(ContainerName, WwiseClassName, CompanyID, PluginID, Type, TemplateName) \
109 static struct UserGeneratedPluginInfo : private AK::Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfoGenerator<WwiseClassName> \
111 const AkUInt32 m_companyID = CompanyID; \
112 const AkUInt32 m_pluginID = PluginID; \
113 const AkPluginType m_type = Type; \
114 ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_args_v1 frontend_args; \
115 UserGeneratedPluginInfo() : \
116 PluginInfoGenerator(&m_companyID, &m_pluginID, &m_type) \
118 m_pluginInfo.m_next = GetPluginContainer ## ContainerName()->m_pluginInfos; \
119 frontend_args.templateName = TemplateName; \
120 AK::Wwise::Plugin::V1::AssignFrontendModelArgs(m_pluginInfo, &frontend_args); \
121 GetPluginContainer ## ContainerName()->m_pluginInfos = &m_pluginInfo; \
126 #endif // __cplusplus
Wwise Authoring Plug-ins - C++ class helper to automatically determine the plug-in interfaces used in...
void AssignFrontendModelArgs(AK::Wwise::Plugin::PluginInfo &io_pluginInfo, ak_wwise_plugin_host_frontend_model_args_v1 *in_args)
Assign arguments for the FrontendModel service request
struct ak_wwise_plugin_interface_array_item * m_interfaces
ak_wwise_plugin_interface_ptr m_interface
The interface. Should be identical for every instance of this DLL.
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