
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2023.1.10.8659 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
릴리즈 노트 2016.1.2

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2016.1.1 and version 2016.1.2.

기타 수정 사항

  • WG-29952 Upgraded Sony 3D Audio Renderer on Windows to latest version.
  • WG-30301 Added Auro plug-ins to Android and Metro_vc140 builds.

버그 수정

  • WG-30154 Fixed: Old Plugin DLL requires license when generating banks.
  • WG-30242 Fixed: Authoring infinite hang when generating banks with a particular combination of music objects.
  • WG-30323 Fixed: Random crash in CAkRTPCMgr::AkRTPCSubscription::PushUpdate.
  • WG-30362 Fixed: (iOS) Audio stops at the first gap in the audio content when using a combination of the Wwise Harmonizer on an Aux Bus and HPF on the Master Audio Bus with Vorbis.
  • WG-30386 Fixed: The crossfade is skipped, resulting in a glitch when seeking into a looping sound in the authoring tool (originals mode only).
  • WG-30446 Added PlayStation Move support to Wwise Motion on PS4.
  • WG-30486 Changed SDK header files to avoid generating compilation warnings in AkPlatformFuncs.h.
  • WG-30515 Fixed: (Windows/PS4) Non-responsive audio hardware could lead to software crash.
  • WG-30585 Fixed: Auro Headphone Reverb check box not always honored.
  • WG-30611 Fixed: AK::SoundEngine::GetSpeakerAngles() returns AK_Fail when called just after AK::SoundEngine::Init.
  • WG-30637 Fixed: (3DS) Output in mono only.
  • WG-30649 Fixed: Audio devices not present in Wwise_IDs.h
  • WG-30660 Fixed: (PS4) Rare crash when seeking in an ATRAC-9 stream.
  • WG-30675 Fixed: (PS4) SCEAudio3d is missing from the installer.
  • WG-30688 Fixed: (Android, PS4, Xbox 360) Crash in WakeupEventsConsumer() when AkInitSettings.bUseLEngineThread = false.
  • WG-30689 Fixed: (3DS) Callbacks not called when used with Dynamic Dialog.
  • WG-30692 Fixed: Auro Headphone : Memory leak in out-of-memory situation.
  • WG-30793 Fixed: (Win 7) XAudio 2.7 DLL unloads by itself.
  • WG-30840 Fixed: Potential null pointer usage in BuildMeterMonitorData when connected to Wwise Authoring.

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