
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2023.1.10.8659 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
What's New in 2014.1.4

2014.1.4 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2014.1.3 and version 2014.1.4.

플랫폼 SDK 변경 사항

  • Updated Xbox One XDK to February 2015.

Performance Improvements

  • WG-26700 Improved Wwise Profiler performance.

Behavioral Changes

  • WG-25995 Changed SetGameObjectOutputBusVolume() to now affect (main) output bus volume of voices even when they are not sending to a user or game-defined auxiliary bus.

새로운 기능

  • WG-27008 Added the Wwise Project Adventure handbook in Simplified Chinese.

기타 수정 사항

  • WG-26841 Removed some compilation warnings in the PS4 release build.
  • WG-26784 Added Wwise command-line tool for Mac Authoring.

버그 수정

  • WG-26197 Fixed: XMA conversion errors when encoding multichannel XMA.
  • WG-26518 Fixed: Looping sounds are not playable from the Transport in "Non-Original" mode if the original file does not exist.
  • WG-26688 Fixed: Voice Monitor Bus Input mode not displaying correct values when inspected bus is not HDR.
  • WG-26717 Fixed: Crash when changing state while an unloaded switch container is still active.
  • WG-26738 Fixed: Property Editor: All properties tab are hidden when added in floating view.
  • WG-26750 Fixed: Crash when renaming or changing the Location of a Custom Property.
  • WG-26826 Fixed: "Work Unit modified" message, which can appear when saving, is now configurable through the Windows registry.
  • WG-26842 Fixed: Audio hardware failure causes hangs on Wii U.
  • WG-26862 Fixed: "Sound is not attached to any listener" message appears every time AK::SoundEngine::SetActiveListeners() is called.
  • WG-26870 Fixed: Possible crash when adding new binding in the Control Surface Bindings.
  • WG-26871 Fixed: Possible crash when playing a Music Switch Container.
  • WG-26881 Fixed: Minor return code confusion when multiple sounds are queried with AK::SoundEngine::GetSourceStreamBuffering().
  • WG-26897 Fixed: Gaps in audio in some interactive music use cases.
  • WG-26899 Fixed: Fade-in on Music Switch Tracks can fail.
  • WG-26902 Fixed: Not all mixer plug-in functions are profiled for CPU usage.
  • WG-26912 Fixed: Changing object selection in Control Surface does not update the binding group when the view is opened in another layout.
  • WG-26914 Fixed: Control Surface bindings on Game Parameters with different ranges affect each other.
  • WG-26917 Fixed: Race condition in AK::SoundEngine::UnloadBank() causes rare memory corruption in Default Pool.
  • WG-26932 Fixed: Automatically modified presets are not saved.
  • WG-26946 Fixed: Instance limiting ignores voices that are under the volume threshold in "Continue To Play" mode and lets them play.
  • WG-26962 Fixed: Inconsistent AkDeviceSettings::uNumConcurrentIO in deferred streaming device results in I/O freeze.
  • WG-26963 Fixed: ConvertExternalSources option is case-sensitive and fails silently.
  • WG-26979 Fixed: Non-cachable streaming flag sometimes ignored in game-side Wwise.
  • WG-26985 Fixed: State transition time wrongly handled when setting same state many times in a row.
  • WG-26922 Fixed: Crash when using Atrac9 and HDR on PS4.
  • WG-27006 Fixed: ControlSurfacesConfig.xml error when generating SoundBanks with WwiseCLI.exe.
  • WG-27025 Fixed: SoundbanksInfo.xml GUID of the Init bank is changing at every generation.
  • WG-27027 Fixed: Possible crash on PS4 when a decoding error is detected on an Atrac9 streamed file.

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