Wwise SDK 2023.1.8
The function AK::SoundEngine::SetAuxBusVolumes() was removed from the API. This feature was replaced by an optional callback which allows not only to override the output volume per channel, but also the channel to channel volume assignment. You can register the callbacks by calling AK::SoundEngine::RegisterBusVolumeCallback() for every bus or Auxiliary bus for which you want to control the volume output.
Also, it is now possible to adjust the positioning of the bus directly from the Wwise Authoring application (the property view for busses now displays the Positioning tab).
Migration iOS:
Unloading a bank that was not previously successfully loaded will now return a failure code instead of returning success. This was made to ensure that people using wrong parameters to unload a bank from an in-memory location failed; the memory is potentially still in use.
see API 개선 사항 for more API changes.
A new Licensing mechanism was added in Wwise. The licensing keys can be obtained from your account when logged in the Audiokinetic website. SoundBank을 제약 없이 생성하고 상업용 Wwise를 활성화하려면 반드시 이 키를 사용해야 합니다. For more information concerning licensing, visit http://audiokinetic.com/licensing.
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