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Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1 구조체 참조

Host API to handle the plug-in's undo operations. 더 자세히 ...

#include <HostUndoManager.h>

ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1에 대한 상속 다이어그램 :

Public 타입

using Instance = ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1
 Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1. 더 자세히 ...

Public 멤버 함수

 ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1 ()
- ak_wwise_plugin_interface_ptr(으)로부터 상속된 Public 멤버 함수
constexpr ak_wwise_plugin_base_interface (decltype(m_interface) in_interface, decltype(m_version) in_version)
constexpr ak_wwise_plugin_base_interface ()
constexpr ak_wwise_plugin_base_interface (std::underlying_type< decltype(m_interface)>::type in_interface, decltype(m_version) in_version)

Public 속성

ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id(* OpenGroup )(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id in_reopenGroupId)
 Open a group that will contain all subsequent undo events. 더 자세히 ...
bool(* CloseGroup )(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_close_action in_action, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id in_groupId, const char *in_szApplyEventName)
 Closes the last opened group, in stack ordering. 더 자세히 ...
bool(* AddCustomEvent )(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this, struct ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_pair_v1 in_event)
 Adds a custom event to the currently opened group. 더 자세히 ...
bool(* CanAddEvent )(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this)
 Check if we are currently in a state where we can add undo events. 더 자세히 ...
bool(* IsBusy )(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this)
 Check if we are busy (undoing or redoing). 더 자세히 ...
bool(* CanLogUndos )(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this)
 Returns whether logging can occur or not. 더 자세히 ...
- ak_wwise_plugin_interface_ptr(으)로부터 상속된 Public 속성
ak_wwise_plugin_interface_type m_interface: 32
 Interface type (see ak_wwise_plugin_interface_type) 더 자세히 ...
uint32_t m_version: 32
 Version of the interface 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

Host API to handle the plug-in's undo operations.

HostUndoManager.h 파일의 123 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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