
Wwise SDK 2023.1.8

◆ GetAudioOut2PortHandle()

SceAudioOut2PortHandle AK::GetAudioOut2PortHandle ( AkOutputDeviceID  deviceId = 0)

Returns the current SceAudioOut2PortHandle being used by the Wwise SoundEngine for main output. This should be called only once the SoundEngine has been successfully initialized, otherwise the function will return an invalid value (SCE_AUDIO_OUT2_PORT_HANDLE_INVALID).

Use AK::SoundEngine::RegisterAudioDeviceStatusCallback() to get notified when devices are created/destructed.

Note that because this function acquires the global lock in Wwise in order to fetch device state, it is recommended to call this inside of the AudioDeviceStatusCallback, after a successful AkAudioDeviceEvent_Initialization.

the current sceAudioOut2 main output port handle or SCE_AUDIO_OUT2_PORT_HANDLE_INVALID.

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