Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
이름 | 설명 | Arguments |
ActiveEvents | The number of Events that have been posted by the game and have not yet reached their end number of active listeners. | |
ActiveListeners | The number of active listeners. | |
ActiveSends | The number of Game-defined or User-defined auxiliary sends that are active. | |
ActiveStreams | The number of streams that are active. A stream is active when it required or was waiting for at least one I/O transfer in the last profiling frame. | |
ActiveTransitions | The number of fades/transitions/interpolations that are active at any one time. | |
ApiCalls | The number of calls from the API to the sound engine. | |
CommandQueueSize | The current amount of memory allocated for storing commands that are sent from the game application to the sound engine. | |
CommandQueueUsed | The percentage of the command queue that is being used at any one time. | |
CpuPluginTotal | The amount of the CPU used for plug-ins. | |
CpuTotal | The amount of the CPU used by the audio thread. | |
HardwareAudioDecodeUsage | The percentage of the Hardware Audio Decode resources that is being used at any one time. This counter will only be displayed when certain platforms(PS4and PS5) are selected. | |
JobMgrMemoryCurrent | . | |
JobMgrMemoryPeak | . | |
JobMgrMemorySlabsCurrent | . | |
JobMgrMemorySlabsPeak | . | |
LoadedBanksMemory | The current size of the SoundBanks that have been loaded into memory. | |
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceA | The Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance A. | |
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceB | The Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance B. | |
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceC | The Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance C. | |
LoudnessMomentaryInstanceD | The Loudness Meter momentary (0.4-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance D. | |
LoudnessShortTermInstanceA | The Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance A. | |
LoudnessShortTermInstanceB | The Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance B. | |
LoudnessShortTermInstanceC | The Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance C. | |
LoudnessShortTermInstanceD | The Loudness Meter short-term (3-second rectangular time window) loudness level for meter instance D. | |
OutputPeak | The peak output from the sound engine at any given time, in dB. | |
PreparedEvents | The number of Events that have been prepared using the PrepareEvent()function. | |
PreparedEventsMemory | The amount of memory used for the prepared events. When an Event is prepared, only the media specifically associated with that Event gets loaded into memory. | |
ProfilerBandwidth | The volume of profiling data sent by the game to the Wwise authoring application. Units: KB/s (kilobytes per second). | |
RegisteredObjects | The number of game objects registered at any one time. | |
SpatialAudioCPU | The total amount of CPU used by spatial audio, expressed as a percentage of an audio frame. | |
SpatialAudioComputedEdges | The number of diffraction edges that have been processed during this frame. | |
SpatialAudioDiffractionEdges | The total number of diffraction edges in the current 3D environment. | |
SpatialAudioEmitters | The number of emitters processed by spatial audio: for each emitter spatial audio validates the reflection and diffraction paths. | |
SpatialAudioPathDifferences | . | |
SpatialAudioPathValidationCPU | The amount of CPU used by the path validation phase of spatial audio expressed as a percentage of an audio frame. | |
SpatialAudioPortalPathValidationCPU | The amount of CPU used by spatial audio to validate paths from the portals to the listener and the emitters expressed as a percentage of an audio frame. | |
SpatialAudioPortalRaytracingCPU | The amount of CPU used by spatial audio to sample the environment to find potential paths from the portal to the listener and the emitters. Expressed as a percentage of an audio frame. | |
SpatialAudioPrimaryRays | The number of primary rays targeted by spatial audio. | |
SpatialAudioRaytracingCPU | The amount of CPU used by the raytracing phase of spatial audio expressed as a percentage of an audio frame. | |
SpatialAudioTasksExecuted | . | |
SpatialAudioTasksRemaining | . | |
SpatialAudioTriangles | The total number of triangles in the current 3D environment. | |
StateTransitions | The number of transitions between States that are played at any one time. | |
SystemAudioObjects | The number of System Audio Objects playing at any one time. | |
TotalMediaMemory | The total size of the media files that have been loaded into memory. | |
TotalReservedMemory | The total amount of memory that has been reserved, or mapped to physical memory, but not necessarily in use by runtime memory allocations. | |
TotalStreamingBandwidth | The total amount of streaming bandwidth that is used at any one time. This value includes both low-level I/O transfers and transfers from the Stream Manager's cache which don't require access to disk, and is therefore larger or equal to the Total I/O Bandwidth (Low-Level). | |
TotalStreamingBandwidthLowLevel | The total amount of streaming bandwidth that is used at any one time. This value takes low-level I/O transfers into account only, and excludes virtual transfers from cached data in the Stream Manager. | |
TotalStreams | The total number of streams open at any one time. | |
TotalUsedMemory | The total amount of memory in use by runtime memory allocations. | |
VoicesPhysical | The number of physical voices that are played at any one time. | |
VoicesTotal | The number of audio voices or separate playback instances that are played at any one time (Physical + Virtual). | |
VoicesVirtual | The number of virtual voices in the virtual voice list at any one time. |
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