
Wwise SDK 2023.1.8

Opens a project, specified by path. Please refer to ak.wwise.core.project.loaded for further explanations on how to be notified when the operation has completed.


이름 타입 설명
path * string The path to the project WPROJ file. Mac에서 WAAPI를 사용할 경우는 Mac에서 WAAPI 사용하기 를 참고하세요.
onUpgrade string (DEPRECATED) The action to be executed when opening a project that needs to be upgraded. 추후 버전에는 사용이 중단됩니다. Please use onMigrationRequired instead. 사용 가능한 값:
  • migrate
  • fail
onMigrationRequired string The action to be executed when opening a project that needs to be migrated. 사용 가능한 값:
  • migrate
  • fail
bypassSave boolean Indicates if the user should not be prompted to save the current project. 기본값: true.
autoCheckOutToSourceControl boolean Determines if Wwise automatically performs a Checkout source control operation for affected work units and for the project. 기본값: true.

(필수 *)

인자 스키마

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