Wwise SDK 2023.1.8
Execute a Lua script. Optionally, specify additional Lua search paths, additional modules, and additional Lua scripts to load prior to the main script. The script can return a value. All arguments will be passed to the Lua script in the "wa_args" global variable.
Specify the file path of the main Lua script to load and execute.
작업을 실행하기 전에 Wwise 프로젝트를 마이그레이션하고 저장합니다.
--do-file LUAFILE1
--do-file LUAFILE1 LUAFILE2 ...
--do-file LUAFILE1 --do-file LUAFILE2 ...
Specify an array of Lua files to load before the main Lua script is loaded and executed. This option must be followed by a absolute file name.
--lua-path PATH1
--lua-path PATH1 PATH2 ...
--lua-path PATH1 --lua-path PATH2 ...
Specify a search path for Lua modules loaded. This option must be followed by a Lua path. Ex: '–lua-path C:\module\?.lua'
--project PROJECT
When no project is specified, no project is loaded. Refer to ak.wwise.console.project.open for information on how to open a project.
The path to the project file (.wproj).
--require MODULE1
--require MODULE1 MODULE2 ...
--require MODULE1 --require MODULE2 ...
Specify an array of Lua module to load at runtime using the require system. This option must be followed by a Lua module name. The module name must be found in the Lua path. Ex: '–require debug.lua'
Result returned by the Lua script
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