Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkCommonDefs.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkRTPCSubscriber.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkPluginMemAlloc.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkFPUtilities.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkAudioMarker.h>
#include <AK/Tools/Common/AkLock.h>
#include <AK/Tools/Common/AkPlatformFuncs.h>
#include <AK/Tools/Common/AkMonitorError.h>
#include <AK/Tools/Common/AkRng.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkSoundEngineExport.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkProcessorFeatures.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/IAkPlatformContext.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkMidiTypes.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkMixerTypes.h>
#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkCallback.h>
#include <AK/AkWwiseSDKVersion.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
클래스 | |
struct | AkPluginInfo |
class | AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo |
Game object information available to plugins. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkVoicePluginInfo |
Voice-specific information available to plug-ins. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkPluginContextBase |
Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkEffectPluginContext |
class | AK::IAkSourcePluginContext |
class | AK::IAkMixerPluginContext |
Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkPluginParam |
class | AK::IAkPlugin |
class | AK::IAkEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin |
Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin |
class | AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin |
class | AK::IAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext |
class | AK::IAkAudioDeviceEffectPlugin |
class | AK::IAkMixerInputContext |
Interface to retrieve information about an input of a mix connection (for processing during the SpeakerVolumeMatrix Callback) 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkSinkPluginContext |
class | AK::IAkSinkPluginBase |
class | AK::IAkSinkPlugin |
Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAk3DAudioSinkPlugin |
Software plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) which supports 3D audio features. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkSourcePlugin |
Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Source Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkPluginService |
Common interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext |
class | AK::IAkPluginServiceMixer |
Interface for the "Mixer" plug-in service, to handle mixing together of signals, or applying simple transforms 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkPluginServiceRNG |
class | AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation |
Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectPriority |
class | AK::IAkPluginServiceMarkers |
Interface for the markers service. 더 자세히 ... | |
class | AK::IAkPluginServiceMarkers::IAkMarkerNotificationService |
class | AK::PluginRegistration |
네임스페이스 | |
namespace | AK |
Audiokinetic namespace | |
매크로 | |
#define | AK_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLETYPE(__in__) (__in__) |
This function can be useful to convert from normalized floating point audio samples to HW-pipeline format samples. 더 자세히 ... | |
#define | AK_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLETYPE_NOCLIP(__in__) (__in__) |
This function can be useful to convert from normalized floating point audio samples to HW-pipeline format samples when the input is not not to exceed (-1,1) range. 더 자세히 ... | |
#define | AK_SAMPLETYPE_TO_FLOAT(__in__) (__in__) |
This function can be useful to convert from HW-pipeline format samples to normalized floating point audio samples. 더 자세히 ... | |
#define | AK_DBTOLIN(__db__) (powf(10.f,(__db__) * 0.05f)) |
#define | AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_MIXER(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceMixer*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_Mixer)) |
#define | AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_RNG(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceRNG*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_RNG)) |
#define | AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_AUDIO_OBJECT_ATTENUATION(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_AudioObjectAttenuation)) |
#define | AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_AUDIO_OBJECT_PRIORITY(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectPriority*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_AudioObjectPriority)) |
#define | AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_MARKERS(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceMarkers*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_Markers)) |
#define | AK_IMPLEMENT_PLUGIN_FACTORY(_pluginName_, _plugintype_, _companyid_, _pluginid_) |
#define | AK_STATIC_LINK_PLUGIN(_pluginName_) |
#define | DEFINE_PLUGIN_REGISTER_HOOK AK_DLLEXPORT AK::PluginRegistration * g_pAKPluginList = NULL; |
#define | AK_GET_SINK_TYPE_FROM_DEVICE_KEY(_key) ((AkUInt32)(_key & 0xffffffff)) |
#define | AK_GET_DEVICE_ID_FROM_DEVICE_KEY(_key) ((AkUInt32)(_key >> 32)) |
타입정의 | |
typedef AK::IAkPlugin *(* | AkCreatePluginCallback) (AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator) |
Registered plugin creation function prototype. 더 자세히 ... | |
typedef AK::IAkPluginParam *(* | AkCreateParamCallback) (AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator) |
Registered plugin parameter node creation function prototype. 더 자세히 ... | |
typedef AKRESULT(* | AkGetDeviceListCallback) (AkUInt32 &io_maxNumDevices, AkDeviceDescription *out_deviceDescriptions) |
Registered plugin device enumeration function prototype, used for providing lists of devices by plug-ins. 더 자세히 ... | |
변수 | |
AK_DLLEXPORT AK::PluginRegistration * | g_pAKPluginList |
Software source plug-in and effect plug-in interfaces.
IAkPlugin.h 파일에서 정의되었습니다.
프로젝트를 등록하세요. 아무런 조건이나 의무 사항 없이 빠른 시작을 도와드리겠습니다.
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