
Wwise SDK 2023.1.8
AkFPUtilities.h 파일 참조

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#define AK_FSEL(__a__, __b__, __c__)   (((__a__) >= 0) ? (__b__) : (__c__))


static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMin (AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB)
 Branchless (where available) version returning minimum value between two AkReal32 values 더 자세히 ...
static AkForceInline AkReal32 AK_FPMax (AkReal32 fA, AkReal32 fB)
 Branchless (where available) version returning maximum value between two AkReal32 values 더 자세히 ...
static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGT (AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 &io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue)
 Branchless comparison (where available) setting 3rd argument to 4th argument if 1st argument is greater than 2nd argument. 더 자세히 ...
static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValGTE (AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 &io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue)
 Branchless comparison (where available) setting 3rd argument to 4th argument if 1st argument is greater than equal 2nd argument. 더 자세히 ...
static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLT (AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 &io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue)
 Branchless comparison (where available) setting 3rd argument to 4th argument if 1st argument is less than 2nd argument. 더 자세히 ...
static AkForceInline void AK_FPSetValLTE (AkReal32 in_fComparandA, AkReal32 in_fComparandB, AkReal32 &io_fVariableToSet, AkReal32 in_fValueIfTrue)
 Branchless comparison (where available) setting 3rd argument to 4th argument if 1st argument is less than equal 2nd argument. 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

Floating point performance utilities.

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