
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
통합 세부사항 - 게임 오브젝트

Game objects are entities to which elements such as interfaces, sounds, and triggers can be attached.

게임 오브젝트는 AkGameObjectID (unsigned 64-bit)로 정의됩니다. 0부터 0x‭FFFFFFFFFFFFFFDF (signed integer에서 -33)의 ID 범위를 선택할 수 있습니다. 게임 오브젝트 ID 범위 0x‭FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE0 (-32)부터 0x‭FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (-1)는 내부에서 사용되도록 예약되어 있습니다. 저작 도구에 의해 등록되는 게임 오브젝트 운송은 이제 게임 오브젝트 ID 0x‭FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE (-2)를 사용합니다.

게임 오브젝트 연결

Every Event triggered in the sound engine is associated with a game object. All Event Actions are associated with the game object passed as a parameter of the AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent() function, if they target a specific game object. If Event Actions do not target a game object, they ignore the game object specified. If an Action affects a single game object, but the game object specified in AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent() is not valid, the Action is not executed.

Every game object can have an associated 3D position, a Switch for every existing Switch Group, an RTPC value for each RTPC, and multiple values (for example, a volume) that can be set on a specific item (Sound SFX, Actor-Mixer, bus, and so on) for a specific game object. 사운드 엔진은 이 값들과 연결된 게임 오브젝트가 등록 해제될 때까지 해당 정보를 저장합니다.

게임 오브젝트 등록

Before you can use game objects, you must register them. When you no longer need the game objects, unregister them. If you leave them registered, the memory used to store this information (3DPosition, RTPCs, Switches, and so on) is wasted.

두 가지 버전의 AK::SoundEngine::RegisterGameObj() 함수가 존재합니다.


AK::SoundEngine::RegisterGameObj( AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, const char * in_pszObjName );

두 번째 버전의 함수는 모니터링하는데 목적을 둡니다. It displays the real name associated with objects that are playing. AK_OPTIMIZED 모드에서 두 번째 버전은 오브젝트 이름을 무시합니다.

You can use either of the following two functions to unregister game objects:


AK::SoundEngine::UnregisterAllGameObj() performs a complete clean-up of all parameters currently set for every game object and removes all game object associations. UnregisterGameObj() does the same thing but only for a single game object. After a game object is unregistered, you must register it again before you can reuse it.

참고: Reusing game object IDs can lead to unreliable associations between game objects and names in the Wwise Profiler (see Profiling) because the Profiler only displays the most recently used name when the view is refreshed.

For an example of game object integration, refer to 게임 오브젝트 예제.

AkUInt64 AkGameObjectID
Game object ID
Definition: AkTypes.h:60
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT RegisterGameObj(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT UnregisterGameObj(AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID)

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