

◆ NotifyMonitorData()

virtual void AK.Wwise::DefaultAudioPluginImplementation::NotifyMonitorData ( AkTimeMs  in_iTimeStamp,
const AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::MonitorData in_pDataArray,
unsigned int  in_uCount,
bool  in_bNeedsByteSwap,
bool  in_bRealtime 

Called when an instance of the run-time component of the plug-in sends data using AK::IAkEffectPluginContext::PostMonitorData(), and this plug-in's settings are being displayed in a window. Because multiple run-time instances may exist for a single authoring tool plug-in, the data is batched together and passed at the end of the frame. Define the CanSendMonitorData element to true in the plug-in XML to activate the monitoring user interface.

in_iTimeStampTimestamp of the data (in milliseconds)
in_pDataArrayArray of blobs of data
in_uCountNumber of elements in array 'in_pDataArray'
in_bNeedsByteSwapTrue if data comes from platform with a different byte ordering (i.e. Big Endian)
in_bRealtimeTrue if monitoring in real-time, false if scrubbing through profiler history

AK.Wwise::IAudioPlugin를 구현.

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