
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ ApplyGainAndInterleave()

virtual void AK::IAkPluginServiceMixer::ApplyGainAndInterleave ( AkAudioBuffer in_pInputBuffer,
AkAudioBuffer in_pOutputBuffer,
AkRamp  in_gain,
bool  in_convertToInt16 
) const
pure virtual

Given non-interleaved audio in the provided in_pInputBuffer, will apply a ramping gain over the number of frames specified, and store the result in in_pOutputBuffer. Channel data from in_pInputBuffer will also be interleaved in in_pOutputBuffer's results, and optionally converted from 32-bit floats to 16-bit integers.

in_pInputBufferInput audioBuffer data
in_pOutputBufferOutput audioBuffer data
in_gainRamping gain to apply over duration of buffer
in_convertToInt16Whether the input data should be converted to int16

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