
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2023.1.7.8574 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7

◆ PrepareBank() [4/4]

AKSOUNDENGINE_API AKRESULT AK::SoundEngine::PrepareBank ( AK::SoundEngine::PreparationType  in_PreparationType,
const char *  in_pszString,
AkBankCallbackFunc  in_pfnBankCallback,
void *  in_pCookie,
AK::SoundEngine::AkBankContent  in_uFlags = AkBankContent_All,
AkBankType  in_bankType = AkBankType_User 

This function will load the events, structural content, and optionally, the media content from the SoundBank. If the flag AkBankContent_All is specified, PrepareBank() will load the media content from the bank, but as opposed to LoadBank(), the media will be loaded one media item at a time instead of in one contiguous memory block. Using PrepareBank(), alone or in combination with PrepareEvent(), will prevent in-memory duplication of media at the cost of some memory fragmentation. Calling this function specifying the flag AkBankContent_StructureOnly will load only the structural part (including events) of this bank, allowing using PrepareEvent() to load media on demand.

PrepareBank(), when called with the flag AkBankContent_StructureOnly, requires additional calls to PrepareEvent() to load the media for each event. PrepareEvent(), however, is unable to access media content contained within SoundBanks and requires that the media be available as loose files in the file system. This flag may be useful to implement multiple loading configurations; for example, a game may have a tool mode that uses PrepareEvent() to load loose files on-demand and, also, a game mode that uses LoadBank() to load the bank in entirety.
in_PreparationTypePreparation type ( Preparation_Load or Preparation_Unload )
in_pszStringName of the bank to Prepare/Unprepare.
in_pfnBankCallbackCallback function
in_pCookieCallback cookie (reserved to user, passed to the callback function)
in_uFlagsStructures only (including events) or all content.
in_bankTypeType of the bank to Prepare/Unprepare.

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