
Wwise SDK 2023.1.6
AK.Wwise::IWriteData 클래스 참조abstract

#include <Utilities.h>

Public 멤버 함수

virtual bool WriteData (LPCVOID in_pData, UINT32 in_cBytes, UINT32 &out_cWritten)=0
virtual bool WriteUtf8String (const char *in_szString)=0
virtual bool WriteBool (bool in_bBool)=0
virtual bool WriteByte (BYTE in_bByte)=0
virtual bool WriteInt16 (UINT16 in_uiInt16)=0
virtual bool WriteInt32 (UINT32 in_uiInt32)=0
virtual bool WriteInt64 (UINT64 in_uiInt64)=0
virtual bool WriteReal32 (float in_fReal32)=0
virtual bool WriteReal64 (double in_dblReal64)=0

상세한 설명

Interface used to write data that can be converted, if needed, for the target platform.

참고: All functions perform the appropriate platform-specific byte reordering except where noted otherwise.
주의: The functions in this interface are not thread-safe, unless stated otherwise.

Utilities.h 파일의 207 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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