
대상 플랫폼:
Wwise SDK 2023.1.6


#define CONVERT_WIDE_TO_OSCHAR (   _wstring_,
)    ( _oscharstring_ ) = (AkOSChar*)( _wstring_ )

Converts a wchar_t string to an AkOSChar string.

On some platforms the AkOSChar string simply points to the same string, on others a new buffer is allocated on the stack using AkAlloca. This means you must make sure that:
  • The source string stays valid and unmodified for as long as you need the AkOSChar string (for cases where they point to the same string)
  • The AkOSChar string is used within this scope only – for example, do NOT return that string from a function (for cases where it is allocated on the stack)

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