
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2023.1.7.8574 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
What's New in 2013.2.9

2013.2.9 is a patch release. The following sections list and describe the changes made to Wwise between version 2013.2.8 and version 2013.2.9.

플랫폼 SDK 변경 사항

  • PS3: updated to SDK 460.001
  • Vita: updated to SDK 3.150
  • Xbox One: updated to July XDK
  • Android: updated to NDK r9d

새로운 기능

  • Crankcase REV: Added Fundamental Frequency Output to Game Parameter.
  • GenAudio AstoundSound plug-ins now available on Mac.
  • WG-24667 (PS4) Now using new system API to query the actual speaker configuration of the output and assign it to the master bus.
  • WG-25392 (iOS, Android) Low-Level IO sample now has a AddBasePath() function to provide additional file paths for downloaded content. Other platforms can get this behavior using the sample code in AkMultipleFileLocation.h.
  • WG-25532 AK::SoundEngine::SetSpeakerAngles can now be used during playback.

버그 수정

  • WG-24397 (Xbox One) Fixed: Time stretch effect has phase issues in the output.
  • WG-24845 Fixed: unused variable compilation warnings in Wwise SDK header files.
  • WG-25110 Fixed: Music notifications are not posted when the event (custom cue, grid) occurs within the last audio frame of the segment's life.
  • WG-25313 (PS4) Fixed: issue with ATRAC-9 decoding.
  • WG-25383 (Windows) Fixed: DLL reference count issue in Motion.
  • WG-25395 Fixed: Full path to plug-in media is part of the conversion hash.
  • WG-25397 (Xbox One) AkSink_BGM and AkSink_Communication output now use new DVR exclusion flag from May XDK.
  • WG-25404 Fixed: Assert and stream starvation with sample-accurate containers with mixed virtual behavior.
  • WG-25417 Fixed: Motion LPF property causes SoundBank changes between generations.
  • WG-25419 Fixed: Android I/O cannot be reinitialized once terminated.
  • WG-25423 (Xbox One) Several fixes in XMA decoder.
  • WG-25447 Fixed: Crash when removing a listener on an object with aux sends.
  • WG-25484 Fixed: Fade-in during a transition to custom cue not working properly.
  • WG-25521 Fixed: CopyStreamedFiles.exe copies SFX streams used in language-specific banks to the wrong folder.
  • WG-25544 Fixed: Deleting a RTPC binding does not make the work unit dirty.
  • WG-25551 Fixed: Race condition in AK::MusicEngine::Init.
  • WG-25569 Fixed: variations in Vorbis encoding between PCs cause SoundBank differences.
  • WG-25577 Fixed: Occasional crash when terminating the sound engine on Windows after switching audio device.
  • WG-25587 (Xbox One) Fixed: WASAPI output does not initialize properly when console is set in 5.1.
  • WG-25618 Fixed: wrong error code returned from LoadBank when file is not found on POSIX platforms.

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