
Wwise SDK 2023.1.5
ak_wwise_plugin_frontend_instance 구조체 참조

Plug-in frontend instance. 더 자세히 ...

#include <PluginDef.h>

ak_wwise_plugin_frontend_instance에 대한 상속 다이어그램 :
ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance ak_wwise_plugin_instance_ptr ak_wwise_plugin_frontend_instance_v1 ak_wwise_plugin_gui_conversion_windows_instance_v1 ak_wwise_plugin_gui_windows_instance_v1 AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::Frontend AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::GUIWindows

추가로 상속된 멤버들

- ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance(으)로부터 상속된 Public 멤버 함수
virtual ~ak_wwise_plugin_cpp_base_instance ()

상세한 설명

Plug-in frontend instance.

A frontend contains the visual part of the Authoring plug-in. It is optional, for example, it is never instantiated when connecting through WwiseConsole. As such, there should never be any processing or "intelligence" done in a frontend part.

For example, the frontend should not affect licensing, soundbank generation, audio processing, property handling (such as validating ranges for property sets), media handling, media conversion, custom data loading, ...

참고: Porting note: In legacy plug-ins, there is only one instance of the Authoring plug-in that contains both the backend and the frontend. This has changed for multiple reasons: to be able to instantiate a plug-in backend without any frontend, or alternatively, to instantiate multiple copies of a frontend for a unique backend.

PluginDef.h 파일의 556 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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