
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2023.1.7.8574 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2023.1.7
AkSpatialAudioInitSettings 구조체 참조

Initialization settings of the spatial audio module. 더 자세히 ...

#include <AkSpatialAudio.h>

Public 멤버 함수

 AkSpatialAudioInitSettings ()

Public 속성

AkUInt32 uMaxSoundPropagationDepth
 Maximum number of portals that sound can propagate through; must be less than or equal to AK_MAX_SOUND_PROPAGATION_DEPTH. 더 자세히 ...
AkReal32 fMovementThreshold
 Amount that an emitter or listener has to move to trigger a validation of reflections/diffraction. Larger values can reduce the CPU load at the cost of reduced accuracy. Note that the ray tracing itself is not affected by this value. Rays are cast each time a Spatial Audio update is executed. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uNumberOfPrimaryRays
 The number of primary rays used in the ray tracing engine. A larger number of rays will increase the chances of finding reflection and diffraction paths, but will result in higher CPU usage. When CPU limit is active (see AkSpatialAudioInitSettings::fCPULimitPercentage), this setting represents the maximum allowed number of primary rays. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uMaxReflectionOrder
 Maximum reflection order [1, 4] - the number of 'bounces' in a reflection path. A high reflection order renders more details at the expense of higher CPU usage. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uMaxDiffractionOrder
AkUInt32 uMaxEmitterRoomAuxSends
AkUInt32 uDiffractionOnReflectionsOrder
AkReal32 fMaxPathLength
AkReal32 fCPULimitPercentage
AkUInt32 uLoadBalancingSpread
 Spread the computation of paths on uLoadBalancingSpread frames [1..[. When uLoadBalancingSpread is set to 1, no load balancing is done. Values greater than 1 indicate the computation of paths will be spread on this number of frames. 더 자세히 ...
bool bEnableGeometricDiffractionAndTransmission
bool bCalcEmitterVirtualPosition
 An emitter that is diffracted through a portal or around geometry will have its apparent or virtual position calculated by Wwise Spatial Audio and passed on to the sound engine. 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

Initialization settings of the spatial audio module.

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