
Wwise SDK 2023.1.5
AK::IAkAutoStream 클래스 참조abstract

#include <IAkStreamMgr.h>

Public 멤버 함수

Stream management, settings access, and run-time change.
virtual void Destroy ()=0
virtual void GetInfo (AkStreamInfo &out_info)=0
virtual void * GetFileDescriptor ()=0
virtual void GetHeuristics (AkAutoStmHeuristics &out_heuristics)=0
virtual AKRESULT SetHeuristics (const AkAutoStmHeuristics &in_heuristics)=0
virtual AKRESULT SetMinimalBufferSize (AkUInt32 in_uMinBufferSize)=0
virtual AKRESULT SetStreamName (const AkOSChar *in_pszStreamName)=0
virtual AkUInt32 GetBlockSize ()=0
virtual AKRESULT QueryBufferingStatus (AkUInt32 &out_uNumBytesAvailable)=0
virtual AkUInt32 GetNominalBuffering ()=0
Stream operations.
virtual AKRESULT Start ()=0
virtual AKRESULT Stop ()=0
virtual AkUInt64 GetPosition (bool *out_pbEndOfStream)=0
virtual AKRESULT SetPosition (AkInt64 in_iMoveOffset, AkMoveMethod in_eMoveMethod)=0
Data/status access.
virtual AKRESULT GetBuffer (void *&out_pBuffer, AkUInt32 &out_uSize, bool in_bWait)=0
virtual AKRESULT ReleaseBuffer ()=0

Protected 멤버 함수

virtual ~IAkAutoStream ()
 Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings. 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

Interface of automatic streams. It is used as a handle to a stream, I/O operations are triggered from here. Obtained through the Stream Manager's AK::IAkStreamMgr::CreateAuto() method.

주의: The functions in this interface are not thread-safe, unless stated otherwise.

IAkStreamMgr.h 파일의 558 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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