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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Working with Reverb

With the Wwise Unreal Integration, the AkLateReverbComponent can automatically assign Reverb Aux Busses and drive reverb parameter RTPCs based on the shape and materials of the geometry to which it is attached.

도움말:See the Reverb Parameter 예측 tutorial for example usage of these features.

Automatically Assigning a Reverb Aux Bus

Enable the Auto Assign Aux Bus property on an AkLateReverbComponent to automatically assign a Reverb Aux Bus to it through the Reverb Assignment Table. This table, located in the project's Wwise Integration Settings, maps Decay values to Aux Bus assets.

Reverb Assignment in the Wwise Integration settings

Based on the geometry associated with the AkLateReverbComponent, a Decay estimate is calculated and compared with the Decay values in the table. The automatically assigned bus corresponds to the smallest Decay value in the table that is greater than or equal to the Decay estimate. If the Decay estimate is greater than the maximum Decay value in the table, it is assigned the Default Reverb Aux Bus that is specified in the Wwise Integration Settings.

Example of a simple Reverb Assignment Table with three Aux Busses

For example, based on the table above, if the estimated decay value for a AkLateReverbComponent is 1.3 (seconds), the "MediumRoom" asset is assigned to the component's Aux Bus field. If it is 3, the "DefaultReverb" Aux bus asset is assigned instead.

Decay estimation

The estimated Decay time is the time in seconds for the sound pressure to drop by 60dB. It is calculated using an absorption value that depends on the Acoustic Texture information provided by an associated AkGeometryComponent or AkSurfaceReflectorSetComponent. If there is no Acoustic Texture information, the Default Surface Absorption value (also found in the Wwise Integration Settings) is used instead.

The Default Surface Absorption setting

Driving Reverb RTPCs

When correctly configured, the AkLateReverbComponent automatically estimates reverb parameters and sets them through RTPCs on the reverb Aux Bus. The estimated parameters are the T60 Decay time, High-Frequency Damping (HFDamping), and Time To First Reflection. For more details about these reverb parameters, see the AkLateReverbComponent properties.

The reverb parameter RTPCs are specified in the Wwise Integration settings, either by selecting an RTPC asset or the RTPC name. The RTPC asset fields take precedence over the name fields, and if both fields are empty, no RTPC is set.

Reverb estimation RTPC Assignment in the Wwise Integration settings

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