아래에서는 Wwise를 통해 게임을 프로파일링할 때 Capture Log에 표시될 수 있는 모든 오류를 열거합니다. 발생한 오류를 이곳에서 찾을 수 없다면 Audiokinetic 지원팀에게 연락하거나 Bug Report를 제출해 주세요.
지원팀에게 연락할 때 오류를 다시 재현할 수 있는 분명한 단계적 설명을 제시하면 오류 조사 속도를 높이는 데에 굉장한 도움이 됩니다. 또한 문제가 일어나는 도중 프로파일링 세션을 녹음하는 것을 강력히 추천합니다. 더 자세한 내용은 “Capture Log 저장하기”섹션을 참고하세요.
Project Zipper를 이용해 프로젝트 파일을 압축해 프로파일링 세션과 함께 보내주세요. Project Zipper는 Audiokinetic 런처에서 Projects 페이지에 있는 렌치 아이콘을 눌러 사용할 수 있습니다.
Capture Log에서 보고되는 대부분의 오류는 이전의 알림과 연관되어 있습니다. 이전 알림을 찾으려면 오류 줄을 선택한 후 좌측의 연결된 점을 따라가보세요. 이러한 점은 선택된 인스턴스에 연관된 모든 메시지를 표시합니다. 이전 알림 메시지를 검토하면 때때로 해당 오류에 대한 더 자세한 맥락을 얻을 수 있습니다.
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Project Settings의 “Logs Tab”에서는 Resume/Play-From-Beginning 가상 보이스 수가 지정된 수를 초과하는 경우 오류 로그에 띄울지를 지정할 수 있습니다. |
Capture Log 오류 사항
“AddOutput() needs unique Listeners for multi-instance outputs using the same Audio Device type.”
“AkOutputDeviceID not found as an active device in call to function ...”
“AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions: Too many positions.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry: error removing geometry set. ”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance: error setting a geometry instance.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometryInstance: error removing a geometry instance.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectRadius: Outer radius must be greater than inner radius.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry - More than two triangles are connected to the same edge. ”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometry - Triangle formed by vertices [v0, v1, v2] is too large.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetGeometryInstance - Transform is not valid.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortal: Invalid extent. Extent dimensions must be positive.”
“AK::SpatialAudio::SetPortal: Portal must have a front room which is distinct from its back room. ”
“Another process is using Microsoft Spatial Sound objects. Some audio objects may be mixed.”
“Audio command is too large to fit in the command queue. Break the command in smaller pieces. ”
“Cannot initialize passthrough. Passthrough and objects will be disabled.”
“Cannot initialize with ambisonic channel configuration, reverting to standard configuration.”
“Cannot schedule music switch transition in upcoming segments: using Exit Cue.”
“Cannot seek in sound that is within a continuous container with special transitions.”
“Convolution Reverb plug-in parameters are invalid, effect is disabled.”
“Could not connect to audio input device. Audio input callback will not be called.”
“Duplicated media has different length in bank X. Check previously unloaded bank. Stopping sound.”
“초기 반사는 3D Position: Listener with Automation을 사용하는 사운드에서 지원되지 않습니다. 지정된 초기 반사 버스는 무시됩니다.”
“Failed to connect System Audio Object to Apple Spatial Audio. Some sounds will not be audible.”
“Hardware audio subsystem stopped responding. Silent mode is enabled. ”
“Impulse Response configuration type does not match input signal's configuration type.”
“Invalid floating point value detected : non-finite(or NaN) priority.”
“I/O settings incompatible. 블록 크기는 1과 Granularity 및 Granularity의 전체 분수 사이여야 합니다.”
“Invalid configuration for Mastering Suite; processing halted.”
“Job Manager ran out of memory. Significant loss of performance or instability may occur.”
“Maximum Impulse Response length of hardware Convolution Reverb reached.”
“Maximum number of hardware-accelerated voices reached. Voice will not play.”
“Media ... could not be updated from Wwise Project. 사용 가능한 이전 미디어 파일이 사용됩니다.”
“Memory allocation error in Mastering Suite; processing halted.”
“Microsoft Spatial Sound: Too many dynamic objects. Some sounds may not play.”
“Missing music node parent. Make sure all banks containing music structures are completely loaded.”
“Monitor Queue full. Increase the size of uMonitorQueuePoolSize. Message size ... bytes.”
“Music engine not initialized : Content cannot be loaded from bank.”
“Music engine: Seeking failed. Music will continue from current position.”
“Music system is stopped because a music playlist is modified.”
“Non-compliant device memory detected. Device memory is required for hardware acceleration.”
“Non-empty array of listeners specified for AddOutput() but uNumListeners is set to zero.”
“NX audio device notification registration failed, output format changes will not be detected.”
“Output bus ... not found. Make sure that the Init bank is loaded first.”
“Pending action was destroyed because a critical memory allocation failed. ”
“Portals cannot connect rooms that are in the same Reverb Zone hierarchy.”
“ReplaceOutput could not properly remove old output device.”
“Reset Playlist action on a continuous container is ignored.”
“게임 오브젝트에 특정한 범위를 사용하는 Reset Playlist 동작은 전역적 컨테이너에서 무시됩니다.”
“Seek table required to seek in Opus sources. Please update conversion settings. ”
“빠른이동 테이블이 없거나 빠른이동 테이블의 세분성이 최대 디코딩 버퍼 크기보다 큽니다. 변환 설정을 업데이트해야 할 수 있습니다.”
“Segment look-ahead plus pre-entry duration is longer than previous segment in sequence.”
“SetBusConfig는 마스터 버스 스피커 구성을 수정할 수 없으며 오디오 하드웨어에 의해 결정됩니다.”
“Sound Engine was already initialized. New settings ignored.”
“Sound Engine is not initialized yet or Init bank has not been loaded. Function: ... ”
“Stinger could not be scheduled in this segment or was dropped.”
“Switch ... is bound to RTPC ... It can not be set directly.”
“Switch Group ... has no Switch Values at all. Switch container will do nothing.”
“System ran out of resources while loading plug-in dynamic library.”
“The Audio Device specified by AddOutput() or Init() could not be initialized. ”
“The hardware-accelerated voice subsystem failed to initialize.”
“Transition not sample-accurate due to codec internal error.”
“Transition not sample-accurate due to incompatible audio formats.”
“Transition not sample-accurate due to incompatible encoding parameters.”
“Transition not sample-accurate due to mixed channel configurations.”
“Unsupported encoding, only PCM, ADPCM, and Vorbis are supported.”
“Warning: Bank contains rendered source effects which can't be edited in Wwise.”
“Wrong number of Arguments for Dialogue Event argument list in function: ... Expected ..., got ...”
프로젝트를 등록하세요. 아무런 조건이나 의무 사항 없이 빠른 시작을 도와드리겠습니다.
Wwise를 시작해 보세요