
Wwise SDK 2022.1.18
Using Raw Image Sources

In some cases, it may not be possible or desirable to use the geometry API for simulating early reflections. In the case that a game does not require a high degree of realism, does not have a sufficient CPU budget, or employs a new creative technique, it is possible to pass images sources directly to the Reflect plugin to render early reflections. Image sources may be provided to Reflect by game engines that already implement this functionality, via ray-casting or their own image-source algorithm, for example.

While Reflect may be used and controlled by the game directly using AK::SoundEngine::SendPluginCustomGameData, Spatial Audio makes its use easier by providing convenient per-emitter bookkeeping, as well as packaging of image sources. Wwise Reflect는 또한 "원본" 허음원을 표면 리플렉터와 조합할 때에도 사용됩니다 (동일한 버스/플러그인을 대상으로 할 경우).

Game side setup

각 허음원(image source)에 대해 AK::SpatialAudio::SetImageSource 를 호출합니다. At minimum, include a unique (per game object, per auxiliary bus) image source ID, and the desired AkImageSourceSettings. The most straight forward approach is to leave the auxiliary bus and the game object ID empty. The image source will then be used for every registered game object that has an early reflection auxiliary send defined in the authoring tool. Optionally, a target bus ID and game object ID can be specified (note that the game object ID may also be a listener or the main listener). 허음원을 묘사하는 방법에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 AkReflectImageSource 를 참고하세요.

Wwise project setup

동일한 프로젝트 설정을 사용하므로, 위에 나온 Using the Geometry API for Simulating Early Reflections - which is the same 의 Wwise project setup 부분을 참고하세요. You can also refer to the Reflect documentation in the Wwise Help for an example design of Reflect on FPS sound.

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지원 페이지를 방문해 주세요

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