V1::BaseUndoEvent BaseUndoEvent
Latest version of the C++ BaseUndoEvent interface.
Base instance type for providing custom undo operations through ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1.
Close this group session (going out of scope), but do not apply it yet.
bool(* GetName)(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_instance_v1 *in_this, const char **out_csName)
Get the event name, to show after the "Undo " and "Redo " terms in the menu.
The C interface, fulfilled by your plug-in.
Base host-provided instance type for ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1.
bool(* AddCustomEvent)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this, struct ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_pair_v1 in_event)
Adds a custom event to the currently opened group.
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1(decltype(m_interface) in_interface, decltype(m_version) in_version)
ak_wwise_plugin_interface_type m_interface
Interface type (see ak_wwise_plugin_interface_type)
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1(std::underlying_type< decltype(m_interface)>::type in_interface, decltype(m_version) in_version)
Host API to handle the plug-in's undo operations.
UndoManager & m_undoManager
Base API to create a custom undo event in a plug-in.
Close this group session permanently, and apply its operations to the englobing group.
bool CloseGroup(ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_close_action in_action=AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_UNDO_GROUP_CLOSE_ACTION_APPLY, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id in_groupId=0, const char *in_szApplyEventName=nullptr)
Closes the last opened group, in stack ordering.
const CUndoEvent::Instance * GetInstancePointer() const
bool(* Undo)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_instance_v1 *in_this, struct ak_wwise_plugin_backend_instance *in_backend)
Called when the user asks to undo an action.
static GluedInterface * g_cinterface
The unique instance of the CInterface interface. Defined at nullptr first, overridden by the Host onc...
decltype(BaseInterface::m_version) InterfaceVersion
PluginInfoGenerator: Type for the m_version value in BaseInterface
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id(* OpenGroup)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id in_reopenGroupId)
Open a group that will contain all subsequent undo events.
2021.1 Undo Event. ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1
API to create a custom undo event in a plug-in.
bool(* Redo)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_instance_v1 *in_this, struct ak_wwise_plugin_backend_instance *in_backend)
Called when the user asks to redo an action.
bool(* CanLogUndos)(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this)
Returns whether logging can occur or not.
Wwise Authoring Plug-ins - Plug-in API for property sets.
uint32_t m_version
Version of the interface
@ k_interfaceType
The interface type, as requested by this plug-in.
virtual bool GetName(const char **out_csName) const =0
Get the event name, to show after the "Undo " and "Redo " terms in the menu.
bool(* CanAddEvent)(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this)
Check if we are currently in a state where we can add undo events.
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1 CUndoEvent
ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1 CHostUndoManager
AutoUndoGroup(UndoManager &in_undoManager, const char *in_applyEventName=nullptr, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id *in_reopenGroupId=nullptr, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_close_action in_closeAction=AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_UNDO_GROUP_CLOSE_ACTION_APPLY)
bool AddCustomEvent(BaseUndoEvent *in_pEvent)
Adds a custom event to the currently opened group.
CUndoEvent::Instance * GetInstancePointer()
virtual bool GetName(const char **out_csName) const =0
Get the event name, to show after the "Undo " and "Redo " terms in the menu.
bool CanLogUndos() const
Returns whether logging can occur or not.
virtual bool Undo(BackendDerivedClass &in_backend)=0
Called when the user asks to undo an action.
Host API to handle the plug-in's undo operations.
PluginInfoGenerator: Associates an existing C Interface with a variable that can be used....
int ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id
Unique identifier for a particular undo group. Useful to reopen an unapplied closed group session.
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id * m_reopenGroupId
#define AKASSERT(Condition)
Action to apply once this undo group is closed.
void(* Destroy)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_instance_v1 *in_this)
Called when the system needs to destroy your ak_wwise_plugin_undo_event_v1 instance.
The C interface, fulfilled by your plug-in.
Base API to create a custom undo event in a plug-in.
Plug-in backend instance.
virtual Interface * GetInterfacePointer()=0
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_close_action m_closeAction
bool(* IsBusy)(const struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this)
Check if we are busy (undoing or redoing).
virtual bool Redo(BackendDerivedClass &in_backend)=0
Called when the user asks to redo an action.
bool(* CloseGroup)(struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_instance_v1 *in_this, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_close_action in_action, ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id in_groupId, const char *in_szApplyEventName)
Closes the last opened group, in stack ordering.
Same than AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_UNDO_GROUP_CLOSE_ACTION_APPLY, but copies the name of the last inner undo e...
std::underlying_type< InterfaceType >::type InterfaceTypeValue
PluginInfoGenerator: Underlying storage type for the m_interface value in BaseInterface
RequestedHostInterface< UndoManager > RequestUndoManager
Requests an UndoManager interface, provided as m_undoManager variable.
@ k_interfaceType
The interface type, as provided by this plug-in.
virtual bool Undo(Backend &in_backend)=0
Called when the user asks to undo an action.
Close this group session permanently, and cancel all its internal operations. Undo operations are not...
V1::DynamicUndoEvent< BackendDerivedClass > DynamicUndoEvent
Latest version of the C++ DynamicUndoEvent template helper.
virtual BaseUndoEvent::Interface * GetInterfacePointer() final
2021.1 Undo Manager host service. ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1
bool CanAddEvent() const
Check if we are currently in a state where we can add undo events.
Interface description and base class for every Wwise Authoring plug-in interface.
virtual BaseUndoEvent::Interface * GetInterfacePointer() final
virtual bool Redo(Backend &in_backend)=0
Called when the user asks to redo an action.
A definition of an undo event, with a specific interface and instance.
bool IsBusy() const
Check if we are busy (undoing or redoing).
Same than AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_UNDO_GROUP_CLOSE_ACTION_APPLY, but copies the name of the first inner undo ...
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id OpenGroup(ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id in_reopenGroupId=0)
Open a group that will contain all subsequent undo events.
@ k_interfaceVersion
The interface version, as requested by this plug-in.
#define AK_WWISE_PLUGIN_SPECIALIZE_HOST_INTERFACE(in_name, in_varname,...)
PluginInfoGenerator: Creates a C++ host specialization for interface class specified in in_name,...
@ k_interfaceVersion
The interface version, as provided by this plug-in.
ak_wwise_plugin_undo_group_id m_groupId
V1::UndoManager UndoManager
Latest version of the C++ UndoManager interface.
V1::UndoEvent< Backend > UndoEvent
Latest version of the C++ UndoEvent template helper.
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