
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Using the Level Sequencer

The Unreal Engine's Sequence Editor is a cinematic editing tool. You can use it to add Tracks that modify certain Actor properties in a level.

Refer to the following topics for background information on the Sequencer:

  • For instructions on how to create a Level Sequence, refer to Sequencer Overview.
  • For instructions on how to add Tracks to a Level Sequence, refer to the Adding Tracks section on the Tracks page.

Setting up Your Wwise Project

To ensure that Event lengths are properly represented in the AkAudioEvent Tracks, you must configure the Wwise project to estimate the duration of its audio Events and generate JSON metadata.

To set up your Wwise project:

  1. Open the project in Wwise Authoring.
  2. From the menu bar, click Project > Project Settings. 그러면 Project Settings 대화 상자가 열립니다.
  3. On the SoundBanks tab, enable the following options:
    • Estimated Duration
    • Generate JSON Metadata
AkAudioEvent Track에 필요한 프로젝트 설정

Using Wwise Level Sequencer Tracks

The Wwise Integration adds two Tracks to the Sequencer:

  • AkAudioRTPC, which sets Game Parameter values.
  • AkAudioEvent, which posts Wwise Events.

You can add both of these Tracks as Master Tracks or associate them with Actors. When associated with Actors, they perform Wwise-related functions on the UAkComponent attached to the Actor. When created as Master Tracks, the AkAudioRTPC Track sets global RTPC values, and the AkAudioEvent Track posts Events on a dummy game object.

For AkAudioRTPC Tracks, you can modify Game Parameter curves with the built-in curve editor. To add key frames, place the cursor in the desired location and click Add New Key on the right side of the listed Track.

Curve Editor 뷰에 있는 AkAudioRTPC 트랙

For AkAudioEvent Tracks, you can add AkAudioEvent sections. To do so, place the cursor at the desired location and click AkAudioEvent on the right side of the listed Track. Alternatively, you can drag AkAudioEvent assets from the Content Browser directly onto an AkAudioEvent Track.

AkAudioEvent Track에 AkAudioEvent 섹션 추가하기

Displaying Waveforms for Wwise Events

Unreal 통합은 Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI)를 사용하여 Sequencer의 기능을 확장합니다. For more information about WAAPI and its use in the Unreal integration, refer to Wwise 저작 API (WAAPI). When Unreal is connected to the Wwise Authoring tool through WAAPI, AkAudioEvent sections can display waveforms for Wwise events. When Wwise Authoring is not open, or the Unreal integration is not connected to WAAPI, the AkAudioEvent sections only display the Event name.

Viewing AkAudioEvent Section Waveforms

AkAudioEvent 섹션은 Audio Source를 담고 있는 Event의 오디오 파형을 표시합니다. The waveform in an AkAudioEvent section shows the audio data for the longest Audio Source contained in the Wwise Event. In the following example, a Wwise Event called "Play_Sound" contains three Audio Sources: "Layer_1", "Layer_2", and "Layer_3".

세 개의 Audio Source를 가진 Wwise Event의 예시

If an AkAudioEvent section is added and its Event property is set to "Play_Sound", then the longest of the three Audio Sources is displayed within the section. Note that the waveform might be followed by empty space if the Wwise Event lasts longer than the longest Audio Source that it contains. In this example, because the "Play_Sound" Event has two delayed play actions (for "Layer_2" and "Layer_3"), it lasts longer than the "Layer_1" audio source that it contains. 파형 뒤의 빈 공간은 Wwise 이벤트의 최대 예상 지속 기간을 나타내며, 이 지속 기간은 SoundBank를 생성할 때 계산됩니다 ( Setting up Your Wwise Project 참고).

시퀀서에서 AkAudioEvent Section의 예

If the length of the AkAudioEvent section exceeds the maximum estimated duration of the Wwise Event, the section contains either a flat white line or repeating diagonal lines. 흰색의 평선은 Retrigger 속성이 비활성화되었음을 의미합니다. 반복적인 빗금선은 Retrigger 속성이 활성화되었음을 의미합니다. The Retrigger property determines whether Wwise events are retriggered in the Sequencer after they finish (refer to AkAudioEvent 섹션 속성).

시퀀서에 있는 두 개의 AkAudioEvent 섹션. Retrigger is enabled in the 'Retrigger' section and disabled in the 'No_Retrigger' section.

Fixing "Out of Sync" Waveforms

If you change an Event's work unit in the Wwise project and those changes are not reflected in the generated SoundBanks, any AkAudioEvent sections for that event are marked as "out of sync". The waveform is displayed in red, and an asterisk is appended to the name of the AkAudioEvent section. Warnings are also printed to the output log when Events are triggered from "out of sync" sections.

'Out of Sync' AkAudioEvent 섹션의 예

To ensure that AkAudioEvent sections remain synchronized with the Wwise project, there are options to save the project and regenerate SoundBanks directly from the Sequencer. To synchronise all of the sections in an AkAudioEvent track, open the track's context menu (right click) and click Save Wwise project and refresh all sections (see AkAudioEvent Track 콘텍스트 메뉴 옵션).

Scrubbing Tracks

The Sequencer integration supports scrubbing forwards and backwards over AkAudioEvent tracks. Drag the Sequencer playhead over AkAudioEvent sections to hear scrub snippets. To change the length of these scrub snippets, right-click the AkAudioEvent section and in the context menu, click Scrub Tail Length Ms. Refer to AkAudioEvent 섹션 속성 for more details.

AkAudioEvent Track 콘텍스트 메뉴 옵션

From the AkAudioEvent track, right-click to open a context menu that includes the following Audiokinetic-specific option:

  • Save Wwise project and refresh all sections: Saves the Wwise project in Wwise Authoring and regenerates SoundBanks for all AkAudioEvent sections in the Sequencer track. The section waveforms are then updated.

AkAudioEvent 섹션 콘텍스트 메뉴 옵션

From the AkAudioEvent section on the track, right-click to open a context menu that includes the following Audiokinetic-specific option:

  • Match section length to Wwise event length: Matches the length of the section in the Sequencer track to the duration of the Wwise Event.

AkAudioEvent 섹션 속성

The property list in the context menu includes the following Wwise-specific section properties:

  • Ak Audio Event: 선택한 섹션의 AkAudioEvent에서 편집할 수 있는 다음의 속성을 열거합니다.
    • Event: Event icon. Hover over the Audiokinetic Event icon to view the path to the Event. 아이콘을 더블 클릭하면 해당 Event가 에디터에서 열립니다.
    • Event: Audiokinetic Event. Open this list to create a new Audiokinetic Event, edit or copy the selected Event, or browse to another Audiokinetic Event.
    • Retrigger Event: When enabled, the Wwise event in the Section is retriggered when the Sequence plays beyond the end of the event. Disabled by default.
    • Scrub Tail Length Ms: Sets the duration in milliseconds of the scrub snippets that are played when scrubbing over the sequence. Default is 100ms.
    • Max Source Duration: Wwise Event에 담긴 가장 긴 Audio Source의 지속 시간을 표시합니다 (읽기 전용).
    • Advanced:
      • Event Name: Type the exact name of the desired Event. 이 입력란은 Audiokinetic Event 목록에서 이미 Event를 선택한 경우 무시됩니다.
  • Movie Scene Ak Audio Event Section:
    • Stop at Section End: Clear this box to keep the Event playing when the end of the section is reached. 이 속성은 기본적으로 활성화되어 있습니다.

Known Issues and Limitations

In general, we recommend that you use very simple AkAudioEvent sections in the Level Sequencer, such as a simple Play action on a Sound SFX. Avoid more complex Wwise Events such as those that contain delayed actions, Seek actions, or which reference Random Containers, Sequence Containers, and other non-deterministic objects. If you do use such Events, divide them into simpler events for optimal use in the Level Sequencer.

Scrubbing and playing from cursor does not work as expected on Events with delayed actions or that contain infinitely looping sounds.

Play In Editor 제약 사항

If a level sequence is played from the Sequencer editor window while Unreal is running in Play in Editor (PIE) mode, any AkAudioEvent tracks that are associated with game objects do not trigger events. To hear AkAudioEvent tracks that are bound to game objects, you must trigger the level sequence from the Game World.

복제 제약 사항

AkAudioEvent와 AkAudioRTPC 트랙은 서버에서만 트리거되며 클라이언트로 복제되지 않습니다.

이 페이지가 도움이 되었나요?

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지원 페이지를 방문해 주세요

작업하는 프로젝트에 대해 알려주세요. 언제든지 도와드릴 준비가 되어 있습니다.

프로젝트를 등록하세요. 아무런 조건이나 의무 사항 없이 빠른 시작을 도와드리겠습니다.

Wwise를 시작해 보세요