
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Working with Reverb

With the Wwise Unreal Integration, you can use the AkLateReverbComponent to assign Aux Busses automatically. You can also use it to drive globabl reverb RTPCs. The following sections provide details.

Automatically Assigning the Aux Bus

You can use AkLateReverbComponent to automatically assign the aux bus through the Aux Bus Assignment Map. For each decay value, there is a corresponding aux bus asset. The decay estimate for the AkLateReverbComponent is checked against the decay values in the map. The assigned aux bus is the first aux bus in the map that has a decay value greater than the decay estimate for the AkLateReverbComponent. Therefore, a decay estimate between decay value X and decay value Y in the map is assigned the aux bus that corresponds to decay value Y. If the decay estimate is greater than the maximum decay value in the map, it is assigned the Default Reverb Aux Bus.

The Global Decay Absorption value acts as a global scaling factor for the decay estimations. It controls the absorption constant that is used in the Sabine equation when estimating the T60 decay. 기본 값은 0.5 입니다.

Driving Global Reverb RTPCs

You can use AkLateReverbComponent to drive global reverb RTPCs with values calculated from the parent Primitive Component of the AkLateReverbComponent. These RTPC fields determine which RTPCs to set with the reverb parameter estimations from AkLateReverbComponent. 이 RTPC 에셋 입력란은 이름 입력란보다 우선시됩니다. If no asset is assigned, the string in the name field is used to set the RTPC. If the name field is also empty, no RTPC is set.

참고:For AkLateReverbComponent to use the global reverb RTPCs, the reverb component must have a sibling AkRoomComponent (in other words, an AkRoomComponent that shares the same Primitive parent component). RTPC 값은 Room ID에서 설정됩니다.

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