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Wwise SDK 2022.1.17

◆ MoveToContent

AK::Wwise::Plugin::XmlNodeType::NodeType(* ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_v1::MoveToContent) (struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_reader_instance_v1 *in_this)

Makes sure the cursor points to a content-type entity while reading XML.

If the node is not a content node, the reader skips ahead to the next content entity until the end of file. More specifically, it will skip over the following usual node types:

  • ProcessingInstruction
  • DocumentType
  • Comment
  • Whitespace
  • SignificantWhitespace

Content entities are specifically:

  • Text (Non-whitespace text)
  • Element
  • EndElement
  • EndEntity
  • EntityReference

This method will also move to the element part of an Attribute.

참고: This method is mostly a convenience and could be easily coded by a simple loop.

Once the current node hierarchy information is determined by proper use of Read, MoveToContent will make sure to provide the actual content of the entity. If no content is available, it will return EndElement or EndEntity.

[in]in_thisCurrent reader instance of this interface.
The new node type. None if the reader has reached the end of file.

HostXml.h 파일의 278 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

다음에 의해서 참조됨 : AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::XmlReader::MoveToContent().

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