
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2022.1.16.8522 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2022.1.16
AkDeviceSettings 구조체 참조

#include <AkStreamMgrModule.h>

Public 속성

void * pIOMemory
AkUInt32 uIOMemorySize
 Size of memory for I/O (for automatic streams). It is passed directly to AK::MemoryMgr::Malign(), after having been rounded down to a multiple of uGranularity. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uIOMemoryAlignment
 I/O memory alignment. It is passed directly to AK::MemoryMgr::Malign(). 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 ePoolAttributes
 Attributes for I/O memory. Here, specify the allocation type (AkMemType_Device, and so on). It is passed directly to AK::MemoryMgr::Malign(). 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uGranularity
 I/O requests granularity (typical bytes/request). 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uSchedulerTypeFlags
 Scheduler type flags. 더 자세히 ...
AkThreadProperties threadProperties
 Scheduler thread properties. 더 자세히 ...
AkReal32 fTargetAutoStmBufferLength
 Targetted automatic stream buffer length (ms). When a stream reaches that buffering, it stops being scheduled for I/O except if the scheduler is idle. 더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uMaxConcurrentIO
 Maximum number of transfers that can be sent simultaneously to the Low-Level I/O. 더 자세히 ...
bool bUseStreamCache
 If true, the device attempts to reuse I/O buffers that have already been streamed from disk. This is particularly useful when streaming small looping sounds. However, there is a small increase in CPU usage when allocating memory, and a slightly larger memory footprint in the StreamManager pool.
더 자세히 ...
AkUInt32 uMaxCachePinnedBytes
 Maximum number of bytes that can be "pinned" using AK::SoundEngine::PinEventInStreamCache() or AK::IAkStreamMgr::PinFileInCache() 더 자세히 ...

상세한 설명

High-level IO devices initialization settings.


AkStreamMgrModule.h 파일의 60 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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