
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2022.1.16.8522 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2022.1.16
Spatial Audio (공간 음향)


The Spatial Audio module exposes a number of services related to spatial audio, notably to do the following:

  • compute image sources for Reflect for a given geometry
  • model sound propagation from Rooms and Portals by controlling 3D busses
  • model sound propagation across geometry
  • access the raw API of Reflect

Internally, Spatial Audio does the following:

  • controls 3D busses by managing game objects and their properties (positions, auxiliary sends, obstruction, and occlusion)
  • controls (multi-) positions and aux sends of Spatial Audio game objects
  • runs geometric sound reflection, diffraction and transmission algorithms
  • packages data for Reflect

It is an SDK component that works with the Wwise sound engine, as shown in the following flowchart.


Spatial Audio 서비스

Spatial Audio exposes three categories of service, described in separate sections:

Rooms and Portals are a simple, high-level geometry abstraction used to model propagation of sound emitters located in other rooms. 지오메트리 uses triangles to compute image sources to simulate dynamic early reflections with Reflect, or to compute geometric diffraction. Spatial Audio also exposes helper functions to access the raw Reflect API directly (Using Raw Image Sources).

API Setup

Spatial Audio의 함수와 정의는 SDK/include/AK/SpatialAudio/Common/에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. Its main functions are exposed in the AK::SpatialAudio namespace.


Initialize Spatial Audio with AK::SpatialAudio::Init().

When using Spatial Audio, a single game object must be explicitly assigned as the Spatial Audio Listener. To do so, call AK::SpatialAudio::RegisterListener(), and pass the ID of the desired listener. 해당 게임 오브젝트는 사운드 엔진 내에서 리스너로 등록되거나 할당돼야 합니다. 사운드 엔진 내 Listener에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 리스너 통합하기 를 참고하세요.

주의: Spatial Audio only supports one top-level listener.

Spatial Audio Emitter

A game object becomes a Spatial Audio Emitter when it plays a sound that has one or more settings related to Spatial Audio enabled in Wwise Authoring:

  • To enable room reverberation, enable game-defined auxiliary sends on the sound's General Settings tab.
  • To enable reflection processing, assign an early reflection bus to the sound in one of the following ways:
  • To enable diffraction and transmission processing, select Enable Diffraction and Transmission on the sound's Positioning tab.

The position of a game object, either an emitter or a listener, is passed to the sound engine with AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition. Spatial Audio retrieves the position information directly from the sound engine to determine the source position for reflection and diffraction processing.

종료 처리

Spatial Audio는, Wwise 사운드 엔진이 종료될 때 자동으로 종료됩니다.


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