
Wwise SDK 2022.1.14
AKPLATFORM 네임스페이스 참조

Platform-dependent helpers 더 자세히 ...


class  CAkJNIThread
 Utility class for acquiring a pointer to a valid JNI environment attached to the current thread (with proper cleanup in destructor) 더 자세히 ...


void AkGetDefaultHighPriorityThreadProperties (AkThreadProperties &out_threadProperties)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 AkBitScanForward64 (unsigned long long in_bits)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 AkBitScanForward (unsigned long in_bits)
void AkLimitedSpinForZero (AkAtomic32 *in_pVal)
bool AkLimitedSpinToAcquire (AkAtomic32 *in_pVal, AkInt32 in_proposed, AkInt32 in_expected)
void AkSpinWaitForZero (AkAtomic32 *in_pVal)
void AkSpinToAcquire (AkAtomic32 *in_pVal, AkInt32 in_proposed, AkInt32 in_expected)
void PerformanceCounter (AkInt64 *out_piLastTime)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void PerformanceFrequency (AkInt64 *out_piFreq)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void OutputDebugMsg (const char *in_pszMsg)
 Output a debug message on the console (Ansi string) 더 자세히 ...
template<int MaxSize = 0>
void OutputDebugMsgV (const char *in_pszFmt,...)
 Output a debug message on the console (variadic function). 더 자세히 ...
template<class destType , class srcType >
size_t AkSimpleConvertString (destType *in_pdDest, const srcType *in_pSrc, size_t in_MaxSize, size_t destStrLen(const destType *), size_t srcStrLen(const srcType *))
void AkCreateThread (AkThreadRoutine pStartRoutine, void *pParams, const AkThreadProperties &in_threadProperties, AkThread *out_pThread, const char *)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
static __inline int __ak_get_cpuid_count (unsigned int __leaf, unsigned int __subleaf, unsigned int *__eax, unsigned int *__ebx, unsigned int *__ecx, unsigned int *__edx)
void CPUID (AkUInt32 in_uLeafOpcode, AkUInt32 in_uSubLeafOpcode, unsigned int out_uCPUFeatures[4])
size_t AkUtf16StrLen (const AkUtf16 *in_pStr)
void AkClearEvent (AkEvent &out_event)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AKRESULT AkCreateEvent (AkEvent &out_event)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkDestroyEvent (AkEvent &io_event)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkWaitForEvent (AkEvent &in_event)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkSignalEvent (const AkEvent &in_event)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkClearSemaphore (AkSemaphore &io_semaphore)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AKRESULT AkCreateSemaphore (AkSemaphore &out_semaphore, AkUInt32 in_initialCount)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkDestroySemaphore (AkSemaphore &io_semaphore)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkWaitForSemaphore (AkSemaphore &in_semaphore)
 Platform Independent Helper - Semaphore wait, aka Operation P. Decrements value of semaphore, and, if the semaphore would be less than 0, waits for the semaphore to be released. 더 자세히 ...
void AkReleaseSemaphore (AkSemaphore &in_semaphore, AkUInt32 in_count)
 Platform Independent Helper - Semaphore signal, aka Operation V. Increments value of semaphore by an arbitrary count. 더 자세히 ...
template<class destType , class srcType >
size_t AkMacConvertString (destType *in_pdDest, const srcType *in_pSrc, size_t in_MaxSize, size_t destStrLen(const destType *), size_t srcStrLen(const srcType *))
AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsg (const wchar_t *in_pszMsg)
 Output a debug message on the console (Unicode string) 더 자세히 ...
template<int MaxSize = 0>
AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsgV (const wchar_t *in_pszFmt,...)
 Output a debug message on the console (Unicode string) (variadic function) 더 자세히 ...
template<int MaxSize = 0>
AkForceInline void OutputDebugMsgV (const char *in_pszFmt,...)
 Output a debug message on the console (Ansi string) (variadic function) 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AKRESULT AkCreateNamedEvent (AkEvent &out_event, const char *in_szName)
AkForceInline void * AllocVM (size_t size, size_t *extra)
AkForceInline void FreeVM (void *address, size_t size, size_t extra, size_t release)
AkForceInline bool AkIsValidThread (AkThread *in_pThread)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkClearThread (AkThread *in_pThread)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkCloseThread (AkThread *in_pThread)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkGetDefaultThreadProperties (AkThreadProperties &out_threadProperties)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkWaitForSingleThread (AkThread *in_pThread)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkThreadID CurrentThread ()
 Returns the calling thread's ID. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkSleep (AkUInt32 in_ulMilliseconds)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkMemCpy (void *pDest, const void *pSrc, AkUInt32 uSize)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkMemMove (void *pDest, const void *pSrc, AkUInt32 uSize)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void AkMemSet (void *pDest, AkInt32 iVal, AkUInt32 uSize)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void UpdatePerformanceFrequency ()
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AkReal32 Elapsed (const AkInt64 &in_iNow, const AkInt64 &in_iStart)
 Returns a time range in milliseconds, using the sound engine's updated count->milliseconds ratio. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AkInt32 AkWideCharToChar (const wchar_t *in_pszUnicodeString, AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize, char *io_pszAnsiString)
 String conversion helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AkInt32 AkCharToWideChar (const char *in_pszAnsiString, AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize, void *io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer)
 String conversion helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AkInt32 AkUtf8ToWideChar (const char *in_pszUtf8String, AkUInt32 in_uiOutBufferSize, void *io_pvUnicodeStringBuffer)
 String conversion helper 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void SafeStrCpy (wchar_t *in_pDest, const wchar_t *in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars)
 Safe unicode string copy. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void SafeStrCpy (char *in_pDest, const char *in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars)
 Safe ansi string copy. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void SafeStrCat (wchar_t *in_pDest, const wchar_t *in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars)
 Safe unicode string concatenation. 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void SafeStrCat (char *in_pDest, const char *in_pSrc, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars)
 Safe ansi string concatenation. 더 자세히 ...
int SafeStrFormat (wchar_t *in_pDest, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars, const wchar_t *in_pszFmt,...)
int SafeStrFormat (char *in_pDest, size_t in_uDestMaxNumChars, const char *in_pszFmt,...)
AkForceInline size_t OsStrLen (const AkOSChar *in_pszString)
AkForceInline int OsStrCmp (const AkOSChar *in_pszString1, const AkOSChar *in_pszString2)
int OsStrNCmp (const AkOSChar *in_pszString1, const AkOSChar *in_pszString2, size_t in_MaxCountSize)
bool IsAbsolutePath (const AkOSChar *in_pszPath, size_t in_pathLen)
 Detects whether the string represents an absolute path to a file 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline void * AllocDevice (size_t size, size_t *extra)
AkForceInline void FreeDevice (void *address, size_t size, size_t extra, size_t release)
AkForceInline bool CheckMemoryProtection (void *address, size_t size, int expectedProt)
AkForceInline void AkSignalEvent (AkEvent &in_event)
 Platform Independent Helper 더 자세히 ...
void AkSetThreadName (AkThread in_threadHnd, DWORD in_dwThreadID, LPCSTR in_szThreadName)
 Set the name of a thread: see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xcb2z8hs.aspx 더 자세히 ...
template<int MaxSize = 256>
void OutputDebugMsgV (const wchar_t *in_pszFmt,...)
static __inline int __ak_get_cpuid_count (unsigned int __leaf, unsigned int __subleaf, unsigned int *__eax, unsigned int *__ebx, unsigned int *__ecx, unsigned int *__edx)



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Platform-dependent helpers

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