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Wwise SDK 2022.1.16
AK 네임스페이스 참조

Audiokinetic namespace 더 자세히 ...


 Audiokinetic spatial audio namespace
 Multi-channel volume definitions and services.
 Audiokinetic Stream Manager's implementation-specific interfaces of the Low-Level IO submodule.
 Win32 namespace
namespace  Wwise


class  AkFXParameterChangeHandler
struct  AkMetering
 Struct containing metering information about a buffer. Depending on when this struct is generated, you may get metering data computed in the previous frame only. 더 자세히 ...
class  CAkValueRamp
class  FNVHash
struct  Hash30
struct  Hash32
struct  Hash64
class  IAk3DAudioSinkPlugin
 Software plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) which supports 3D audio features. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkAndroidContext
 Context specific to the Android port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkAudioDeviceEffectPlugin
class  IAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext
class  IAkAutoStream
class  IAkDeviceProfile
class  IAkEffectPlugin
 Software effect plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkEffectPluginContext
class  IAkGameObjectPluginInfo
 Game object information available to plugins. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkGGPContext
 Context specific to the Linux port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkGlobalPluginContext
class  IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin
 Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin
class  IAkiOSContext
 Context specific to the iOS port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkLinuxContext
 Context specific to the Linux port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkMacContext
 Context specific to the macOS port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkMixerEffectPlugin
 Software effect plug-in interface for panner/mixer effects (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkMixerInputContext
class  IAkMixerPluginContext
 Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkOpenHarmonyContext
 Context specific to the OpenHarmony port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin
 Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin
class  IAkPlatformContext
class  IAkPlugin
class  IAkPluginContextBase
 Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkPluginMemAlloc
class  IAkPluginParam
class  IAkPluginService
 Common interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation
 Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectPriority
class  IAkPluginServiceMixer
 Interface for the "Mixer" plug-in service, to handle mixing together of signals, or applying simple transforms 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkPluginServiceRNG
class  IAkProcessorFeatures
class  IAkPS4Context
 Context specific to the PS4 port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkPS5Context
 Context specific to the PS5 port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkRTPCSubscriber
class  IAkSinkPlugin
 Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkSinkPluginBase
class  IAkSinkPluginContext
class  IAkSourcePlugin
 Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Source Plug-ins). 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkSourcePluginContext
class  IAkStdStream
class  IAkStreamMgr
class  IAkStreamMgrProfile
class  IAkStreamProfile
class  IAkSwitchContext
 Context specific to the NX port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkUWPContext
 Context specific to the UWP port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkVoicePluginInfo
 Voice-specific information available to plug-ins. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkWin32Context
 Context specific to the Win32 port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkXboxGCContext
 Context specific to the XboxOneGC port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IAkXboxOneContext
 Context specific to the Xbox One port of Wwise SDK. 더 자세히 ...
class  IReadBytes
class  IWriteBuffer
class  IWriteBytes
class  ObjectPool
 An object pool of N reusable objects with one allocation. 더 자세히 ...
struct  ObjectPoolNoLock
class  PluginRegistration
class  ReadBytesMem
class  ReadBytesSkip
class  WriteBytesBuffer
class  WriteBytesCount
class  WriteBytesMem


typedef int(* _akmotionPadGetHandle) (int userId, int type, int index)
typedef int(* _akmotionPadGetContainerIdInformation) (int handle, void *pInfo)
typedef int(* _akmotionPadGetControllerType) (int handle, void *pControllerType)
typedef int(* _akmotionPadSetVibrationMode) (int handle, ScePadVibrationMode mode)
typedef int(* _akmotionPadSetVibration) (int handle, const void *pParam)
typedef void(* AkDeviceStatusCallbackFunc) (AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext *in_pContext, AkUniqueID in_idAudioDeviceShareset, AkUInt32 in_idDeviceID, AkAudioDeviceEvent in_idEvent, AKRESULT in_AkResult)
typedef FNVHash< Hash32FNVHash32
typedef FNVHash< Hash30FNVHash30
typedef FNVHash< Hash64FNVHash64
template<AkMemID T_MEMID = AkMemID_Object>
using ObjectPoolDefaultAllocator = AkArrayAllocatorNoAlign< T_MEMID >
using ObjectPoolDefaultLockType = ObjectPoolNoLock

열거형 타입

enum  AkAudioDeviceEvent { AkAudioDeviceEvent_Initialization, AkAudioDeviceEvent_Removal, AkAudioDeviceEvent_SystemRemoval }
enum  AkChannelOrdering { ChannelOrdering_Standard, ChannelOrdering_RunTime }
 Channel ordering type. 더 자세히 ...
enum  AkSinkPluginType { AkSinkPluginType_Sink, AkSinkPluginType_3DAudioSink }
enum  AkPluginServiceType {
  PluginServiceType_Mixer = 0, PluginServiceType_RNG = 1, PluginServiceType_AudioObjectAttenuation = 2, PluginServiceType_AudioObjectPriority = 3,
enum  AkSIMDProcessorSupport {
  AK_SIMD_SSE = 1<<0, AK_SIMD_SSE2 = 1<<1, AK_SIMD_SSE3 = 1<<2, AK_SIMD_SSSE3 = 1<<3,
  AK_SIMD_SSE41 = 1<<4, AK_SIMD_AVX = 1<<5, AK_SIMD_F16C = 1<<6, AK_SIMD_AVX2 = 1<<7
 SIMD instruction sets. 더 자세히 ...


static bool IsBankCodecID (AkUInt32 in_codecID)
static AkUInt8 ChannelMaskToNumChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
 Returns the number of channels of a given channel configuration. 더 자세히 ...
static AkChannelMask ChannelMaskFromNumChannels (unsigned int in_uNumChannels)
static AkUInt8 ChannelBitToIndex (AkChannelMask in_uChannelBit, AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline bool HasLFE (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline bool HasCenter (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 GetNumberOfAnglesForConfig (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline bool HasSurroundChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline bool HasStrictlyOnePairOfSurroundChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline bool HasSideAndRearChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
AkForceInline bool HasHeightChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
 Returns true if standard configuration represented by channel mask has at least one "height" channel (above the plane). 더 자세히 ...
AkForceInline AkChannelMask BackToSideChannels (AkChannelMask in_uChannelMask)
static unsigned int StdChannelIndexToDisplayIndex (AkChannelOrdering in_eOrdering, unsigned int in_uChannelMask, unsigned int in_uChannelIdx)
AkVector ConvertAkVector64ToAkVector (AkVector64 in)
AkTransform ConvertAkWorldTransformToAkTransform (AkWorldTransform in)
AkVector64 ConvertAkVectorToAkVector64 (AkVector in)
AkWorldTransform ConvertAkTransformToAkWorldTransform (AkTransform in)
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value, bool >::type = true>
ReadUnaligned (const AkUInt8 *in_pVal)
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value, bool >::type = true>
void WriteUnaligned (AkUInt8 *out_pVal, const T in_val)
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if< std::is_class< T >::value, bool >::type = true>
void WriteUnaligned (AkUInt8 *out_pVal, const T &in_val)
template<typename T >
ReadBankData (AkUInt8 *&in_rptr)
 Read data from bank and advance pointer. 더 자세히 ...
template<typename T >
ReadVariableSizeBankData (AkUInt8 *&in_rptr)
char * ReadBankStringUtf8 (AkUInt8 *&in_rptr, AkUInt32 &out_uStringSize)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 GetNumNonZeroBits (AkUInt32 in_uWord)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 GetNextPowerOfTwo (AkUInt32 in_uValue)
AkForceInline AkUInt32 ROTL32 (AkUInt32 x, AkUInt32 r)
AkForceInline AkUInt64 ROTL64 (AkUInt64 x, AkUInt64 r)
int GetPS4OutputHandle (AkOutputDeviceID deviceId=0)
int GetSceAudio3dPortId ()
SceAudioOut2PortHandle GetAudioOut2PortHandle (AkOutputDeviceID deviceId=0)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API IUnknown * GetWwiseXAudio2Interface ()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API IDirectSound8 * GetDirectSoundInstance ()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 GetDeviceID (IMMDevice *in_pDevice)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 GetDeviceIDFromName (wchar_t *in_szToken)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API const wchar_t * GetWindowsDeviceName (AkInt32 index, AkUInt32 &out_uDeviceID, AkAudioDeviceState uDeviceStateMask=AkDeviceState_All)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt32 GetWindowsDeviceCount (AkAudioDeviceState uDeviceStateMask=AkDeviceState_All)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API bool GetWindowsDevice (AkInt32 in_index, AkUInt32 &out_uDeviceID, IMMDevice **out_ppDevice, AkAudioDeviceState uDeviceStateMask=AkDeviceState_All)


AkReal32 g_fFreqRatio

상세한 설명

Audiokinetic namespace

Dummy assert hook definition.

Utility functions

Can be used to track individual parameter changes to avoid costly computations when they remain constant This class is designed to use only the lower bit information of the parameter IDs

Ambisonics configurations (corresponding to AkChannelConfig::eConfigType == AK_ChannelConfigType_Ambisonic). Convention: X points towards the front, and XYZ follow a right-hand rule, so Y is the side vector (pointing to the left). Channel presence and ordering are predefined according to the number of channels. The ordering convention is ACN, with the mapping of components to number of channels detailed below (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambisonic_data_exchange_formats). Normalization natively used in Wwise is SN3D.

Number of channels OrderDescriptionLayout of components
1     0    0       mono 
4     1    1       first-order full sphere  WYZX
9     2    2       second-order full sphere  WYZXVTRSU
16     3    3       third-order full sphere  WYZXVTRSUQOMKLNP

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