
Wwise SDK 2022.1.14
AK.Wwise::Plugin::IReadOnlyProperties 클래스 참조abstract

Interfaces used to set and get the properties from a plug in. 더 자세히 ...

#include <PluginDef.h>

AK.Wwise::Plugin::IReadOnlyProperties에 대한 상속 다이어그램 :

Public 멤버 함수

virtual bool GetValue (const char *in_szPropertyName, AK::WwiseAuthoringAPI::AkVariantBase &out_rValue) const =0
virtual int GetType (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const =0
virtual bool GetValueString (const char *in_pszPropertyName, const char *&out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueInt64 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, int64_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueInt32 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, int32_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueInt16 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, int16_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueInt8 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, int8_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueUInt64 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, uint64_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueUInt32 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, uint32_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueUInt16 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, uint16_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueUInt8 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, uint8_t &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueReal64 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, double &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueReal32 (const char *in_pszPropertyName, float &out_varProperty) const =0
virtual bool GetValueBool (const char *in_pszPropertyName, bool &out_varProperty) const =0
const char * GetString (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
int64_t GetInt64 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
int32_t GetInt32 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
int16_t GetInt16 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
int8_t GetInt8 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
uint64_t GetUInt64 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
uint32_t GetUInt32 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
uint16_t GetUInt16 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
uint8_t GetUInt8 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
double GetReal64 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
float GetReal32 (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const
bool GetBool (const char *in_pszPropertyName) const

상세한 설명

Interfaces used to set and get the properties from a plug in.

PluginDef.h 파일의 179 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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