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Wwise SDK 2022.1.15

◆ BatchRead()

virtual AKRESULT AK::StreamMgr::IAkIOHookDeferredBatch::BatchRead ( AkUInt32  in_uNumTransfers,
BatchIoTransferItem in_pTransferItems,
AkBatchIOCallback  in_pBatchIoCallback,
AKRESULT io_pDispatchResults 
pure virtual

Reads multiple data from multiple files (asynchronous).

  • Queue up multiple read requests at once, using the provided array of in_pTransferItems. There will be in_uNumTransfers number of items in the array.
  • io_pDispatchResults will contain an in_uNumTransfers number of items in the array. Each item in io_pDispatchResults should be set to AK_Success if the corresponding Read was successfully dispatched, and set to AK_Failure otherwise. As well, the return value should be a cumulative result of the dispatches, where AK_Success indicates all requests were dispatched successfully, and io_pDispatchResults will not be investigated, whereas AK_Fail indicates at least one failure.
  • When a given Read, or some set of reads has completed - whether it was successful, cancelled, or failed - call in_pBatchIoCallback for the corresponding transfer. Pass in the list of AkAsyncIOTransferInfo objects to receive the callback, as well as a list of results for each transfer, e.g. AK_Success or some other AKRESULT. Do not call in_pBatchIoCallback for transfers that were not dispatched (as indicated by the corresponding value in io_pDispatchResults).
  • The pointer to each BatchIoTransferItem::pTransferInfo will be valid until the high-level device is notified through the callback. The array of in_pTransferItems will not be valid, though.
  • File position passed in each BatchIoTransferItem::pTransferInfo takes the offset of this file relative to AkFileDesc::hFile (described with AkFileDesc::uSector). It is computed by the high-level device as "pFileDesc->uSector * Block_Size + Stream_Position", where Block_Size is obtained via AK::StreamMgr::IAkLowLevelIOHook::GetBlockSize().
  • AK_Success: All I/O requests were successfully dispatched. in_pBatchIoCallback must be called for each read that completes.
  • AK_Fail: At least one failure occurred when dispatching reads. The values of io_pDispatchResults should indicate which operation failed to be dispatched.
in_uNumTransfersNumber of transfers to process
in_pTransferItemsList of transfer items to process
in_pBatchIoCallbackCallback to execute to handle completion of multiple items simultaneously
io_pDispatchResultsOutput result codes to indicate if a transfer was successfully dispatched

AK::StreamMgr::IAkIOHookDeferred에서 구현되었습니다.

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