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Wwise SDK 2022.1.17

◆ AkBankCallbackFunc

typedef void( * AkBankCallbackFunc) (AkUInt32 in_bankID, const void *in_pInMemoryBankPtr, AKRESULT in_eLoadResult, void *in_pCookie)

Callback prototype used with asynchronous bank load/unload requests. This function is called when the bank request has been processed and indicates if it was successfully executed or if an error occurred.

in_bankIDIdentifier of the bank that was explicitly loaded/unloaded. In the case of PrepareEvent() or PrepareGameSyncs(), this value contains the AkUniqueID of the event/game sync that was prepared/unprepared, if the array contained only one element. Otherwise, in_bankID equals AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID.
in_pInMemoryBankPtrValue returned when the unloaded bank was loaded using an in memory location
in_eLoadResultResult of the requested action.
  • AK_Success: Load or unload successful.
  • AK_IDNotFound: At least one of the event/game sync identifiers passed to PrepareEvent() or PrepareGameSyncs() does not exist.
  • AK_InsufficientMemory: Insufficient memory to store bank data.
  • AK_BankReadError: I/O error.
  • AK_WrongBankVersion: Invalid bank version: make sure the version of Wwise that you used to generate the SoundBanks matches that of the SDK you are currently using.
  • AK_InvalidFile: File specified could not be opened.
  • AK_InvalidParameter: Invalid parameter.
  • AK_Fail: Load or unload failed for any other reason. (Most likely small allocation failure)
in_pCookieOptional cookie that was passed to the bank request.
This callback is executed from the bank thread. The processing time in the callback function should be minimal. Having too much processing time could slow down the bank loading process.

AkCallback.h 파일의 326 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

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