
알림: 고객님의 주요 출시 버전( 2022.1.16.8522 )에 해당하는 최신 설명서로 이동했습니다. 특정 버전의 설명서를 보시려면 Audiokinetic 런처에서 오프라인 설명서를 다운로드하고 Wwise Authoring의 Offline Documentation을 확인하세요.
Wwise SDK 2022.1.16

◆ ReadInnerXml

void(* ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_v1::ReadInnerXml) (struct ak_wwise_plugin_host_xml_reader_instance_v1 *in_this, const char **out_csXml)

Reads all the contents of an Element or Attribute as a string, including markup. Increments the pointer.

This returns the raw contents of the file except the enclosing elements. It can be considered the equivalent of ReadElementString , but will also return raw XML tags.

An empty string will be returned if no content is available.

참고: The string is available until the next Host operation. If storing is required, a copy should be made at the earliest convenience.
[in]in_thisCurrent reader instance of this interface.
[out]out_csXmlAll the XML content, including markup, in the current node. The buffer is owned by Authoring and is valid until the next API call.

HostXml.h 파일의 330 번째 라인에서 정의되었습니다.

다음에 의해서 참조됨 : AK.Wwise::Plugin::V1::XmlReader::ReadInnerXml().

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